Recent content by john travolta

  1. john travolta

    Ghost of a Tale Update

    Needs updating latest version is 6.37
  2. john travolta

    Deep Rock Galactic Trainer

    player saves are on your computer you can easily modify them, but theres plenty of trainers that work in multiplayer
  3. john travolta

    [REQ] Deep Rock Galactic

    currently what i know is possible from someone offering a paid trainer that doesnt work in multiplayer Infinite Health Infinite Shield No Reload Unlimited Ammo/Flares/No Flare Cooldown/Unlimited Grenades No Heat % Edit Credits Free Crafting/purchase Free Gear Upgrades Super Speed Unlimited...
  4. john travolta

    [REQ] Deep Rock Galactic

    No Overheat/jam Infinite resources (to deposit) - can be done via cheat engine from what i have found possible teleport system? character saves are in Steam\steamapps\common\Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Saved\SaveGames credits/xp per character can be modified through the .sav file there could be a...
  5. john travolta

    Oxygen Not Included Update

    Need a new or updated trainer for oxygen not included. most recent updates added new features so yeah.
  6. john travolta

    Warhammer End Times Vermintide Trainer

    Bump. Need this updated tbh
  7. john travolta

    [REQ] Yooka-Laylee Trainer

    Pretty self explanitory Theres a few trainers out be it from CE or CH but here is what i know is possible
  8. john travolta

    Yooka Laylee

    +1 even if the game requires a controller for true gameplay keyboard and mouse is still fine but it would be nice.
  9. john travolta

    Oxygen Not Included Trainer

    any news on an updated trainer? i know once propper mod support comes out the trainer scene will die out though.
  10. john travolta

    [REQ] Avorion Trainer

    There would be a way for forcing commands on servers like a temp admin. ive been working on it slightly for my own server but along that. its quite detectable at the same time. if your running a dedicated server you can just look through logs and it tells you everything. there could be a...