Recent content by Johnny43

  1. Johnny43

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    The trainer gives too much money at a time and I'm stuck at the finance screen when I try to advance. Any solutions? Financing other countries gives -10/-20 so that will take forever... EDIT: Solved it: telephone: auto-fill reserves.
  2. Johnny43

    [REQ] Theatre of War (1, 2, 3)

    1C bundle came up again, so yes, if at all possible, please make it. The Infinite Support and/or Infinite Army Points should be good enough.
  3. Johnny43

    Mount And Blade With Fire And Sword Trainer

    Sorry about what I wrote, I mean rename the exe of the game so it matches the name that the trainer is searching for.
  4. Johnny43

    SuperPower 2 Steam Edition Trainer

    "Make sure you select the one on the bottom of the list which should have the highest Process Id number" The one at the bottom is ID 4972 and the one above is ID 5948. Won't let me attach to the one above and the game crashes after a while. I'm using the steam version and the newest trainer.
  5. Johnny43

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    Update please.
  6. Johnny43

    Mount And Blade With Fire And Sword Trainer

    Rename the trainer to match the game's exe name. That's how I did it on some other trainers.
  7. Johnny43

    Sang Froid Werewolf
