Recent content by Shxgy SHK

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    [REQ] Halo Wars: Definitive Edition Early Access Trainer

    I know. It'd be better to have a full on trainer though. Finding the values for the health and others are kind of tough. For me at least. As I do not have too much experience when it comes to this.
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    [REQ] Halo Wars: Definitive Edition Early Access Trainer

    Platform: Windows Store/Windows 10 - Product Price: (NOTE: Must Pre-Order Halo Wars 2: Ultimate Edition to receive code for Halo Wars: Definitive Edition via Xbox Windows 10 App or Xbox One -...
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    [REQ] Call of Duty : Black Ops III

    No problem. I had trouble with that myself and I searched for hours for a fix. Just wanted to share it so no one else has trouble.
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    [REQ] Call of Duty : Black Ops III

    There's a fix for the CPU and RAM usage. Go to the Black Ops 3 folder then go to the "players" folder and open "config.ini" and look for " //Thread count for handling the job queue WorkerThreads = "4" // 2 to 4" and change the "4" to a "2". Works like a charm if you are having CPU and RAM issues.
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    The Sims 4 Trainer

    It's not fake. It's the actual game. Legit files. No c.r.a.c.k. yet though
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    The Sims 4 Trainer

    The Sims 4 has been released for full play capabilities on Skid's site.. Now if only a certain someone could obtain said game and make a trainer that'd be a miracle. Too bad no one here can do that. ;)