Recent content by Tachi

  1. Tachi

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    \o/ All right! Working smoothly now. Thanks for you time looking into this. I was holding off on playing the game again until I had the old non-stackable editor again (wanted to test mundane weapons being able to preserve upgrades and infusions made this much easier). I'll be sure to drop...
  2. Tachi

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    Hazzah! He has heard us! Unfortunately the method you have provided still doesn't work for me. I've tried editing the item when my character is just standing around as well as while sitting at the fire (both trying to edit the item from my inventory as well as from the storage box). With the...
  3. Tachi

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    Ahh, fair enough. Life does go on and all. If you can Chris, can you let him know we're having this issue whenever he has time to mess with it? The method shared by Rjindael has been a good work around, but just doesn't have the same functionality the old non-stackable editor had (such as...
  4. Tachi

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    Hazzah! Progress! Also, it should be noted that it was the item in the storage box that was transformed. So: place a single stackable item into your item box find that item's id, input it into the 'Current Item Id' box input the item Id you want into the 'New Item Id' box edit and pull out...
  5. Tachi

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    Good to hear that at least the stackables are working for some ^^ For those that have stackables working, could you run through exactly what you do? I'm wondering if the new version of the trainer works differently compared to the old one and my habits are where I'm going wrong. Give each step...
  6. Tachi

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    So, does anyone here actually have the trainer working for them? Going from what people have said it seems that the non-stackable conversion is not working for anyone, but some people may or may not have the stackables working.
  7. Tachi

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    Hazzah! He has heard our plight. Hopefully he can get this fixed soon. ^^
  8. Tachi

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    Is it me, or can I not use the stackable items converter as well as the non-stackable. I spent hours and racked up alot of soul memory getting Loyce Souls on my character, and I do not want to do it all over again for the rest of my characters. Try as I might though I can't seem to convert...