Recent content by ZeroByDivide

  1. ZeroByDivide

    Dying Light Trainer

    that would be your antivirus deleting the trainer, either turn it off or put the trainer on the exclusion list.
  2. ZeroByDivide

    Dying Light Trainer

    that's not it because I can easily deplete the bar while it's activated, and before on the older trainer the bar wouldn't even show up at all plus I never got the screen affect that happens when you get low stamina like I do with the newer trainer.
  3. ZeroByDivide

    Dying Light Trainer

    When ever I activate it and swing my weapons or even run it just acts like I don't have it activated at all, the bar shows up for the stamina when ever I am swinging my weapon and it does that stupid screen affect and it never did either of these before. it only seems to be happening on "Dying...
  4. ZeroByDivide

    Dying Light Trainer

    can you fix "Inf.Stamina" in the latest trainer :/ kind of annoying that it's the only feature not working at all..
  5. ZeroByDivide

    Dying Light Trainer

    well almost everything seems to be working even on the latest patch, the only thing that randomly stopped working and I don't really know why is "Inf.Stamina" no matter what I do I can't get it work anymore and this is only happening with "Dying Light V1.2.1 Trainer +17" other ones seem to be...