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  1. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    Please update comrade.
  2. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    Stellaris Updates - Updates trainer within a week. CITK Updates - No update for over a month.
  3. Pootisguy

    Stellaris Trainer Would you please update this one ?
  4. Pootisguy

    Stellaris Trainer

    U P D A T E T H I S A N D C R I S I S I N T H E K R E M L I N
  5. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    We thank you, oh Mrantifun, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us. May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will. Onward warriors of the Mrantifun, avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union...
  6. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    Skal a stepí divočinou, hladový a roztrhán, s puškou v ruce, s ohněm v srdci, uhání vpřed partyzán. V Ukrajině a Povolží, jak hejna hladových vran, řádí bílých eskadrony, uhání vpřed partyzán. Od Baltu s větrem o závod až po Tichý oceán, rozmetal divize bílých, slavný rudý partyzán...
  7. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    1984 years later.... I do understand that you have to do a lot but please add the loyalty power and opposition cheats with the next update if it ever comes.
  8. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    Please Comrade Update.
  9. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    This man I support.
  10. Pootisguy

    Beholder 2 Trainer

    Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes. YES!
  11. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

  12. Pootisguy

    Not Tonight Trainer

    The money cheat still does not work.
  13. Pootisguy

    Power & Revolution GeoPolitical Simulator 4 Trainer

    Dude please update it.
  14. Pootisguy

    Power & Revolution GeoPolitical Simulator 4 Trainer

    Please update it. It is usable but the "resources" cheat just crashes your economy...
  15. Pootisguy

    Not Tonight Trainer

    Does not work.
  16. Pootisguy

    Ostalgie The Berlin Wall Trainer

  17. Pootisguy

    Crusader Kings 2 Trainer

    Please update OSTALGIE. You are not responding to us. The trainer for OSTALGIE does not work.
  18. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    He won't change it. He never changes the trainer.
  19. Pootisguy

    Ostalgie The Berlin Wall Trainer

    Dude PLEASE Update the trainer. I just want my Transylvania....
  20. Pootisguy

    Crisis in the Kremlin Trainer

    Dude. This one is compatible with the current version.