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  1. MagnusDox

    [Update Request] Kenshi

    The 1.0.27. Update is major one, 1.0.28 is the "actual" one because lofi rolled back to Japanese fix because it wasn't good enough so Japanese version was rolled back to 1.0.27 You can check the official changelog.
  2. MagnusDox

    Kenshi 1.0.22

    Game is at 1.0.28 now
  3. MagnusDox

    Kenshi Trainer

    That table is used to edit character stats, this one allows for instant build, full health and fast research. So while you are right its not comparable
  4. MagnusDox

    [Update Request] Kenshi

    Follow up post, Game version is now at 1.0.28
  5. MagnusDox

    [Update Request] Kenshi

    Title: Kenshi Trainer Name: Kenshi 1.0.7 Platform: Steam Version: Current version as of this post 1.0.27 Features Not Working: Trainer does not launch at all. Note: the trainer page is filled with people requesting an update yet I haven't seen a request post about it, if there is my apologies...
  6. MagnusDox

    The Banner Saga Trainer

    Could go for an Update on both of the Banner Saga games.
  7. MagnusDox

    Middle Earth Shadow Of War Trainer

    You're actually retarded. about 9 out of 10 Anti-virus programs flag trainers hell even Windows Defender Flags them. Use your god damn brain jesus christ.
  8. MagnusDox

    [REQ] Bomber Crew

    Change Money Change Intel Change Primary Skill Level Change Secondary Skill Level Infinite Fuel Infinite Oxygen Infinite Health (Airplane/Crew Members) One Hit Kills +13 Crew Member Editor In case you wanted something a little more accurate and appropriate. (I stole these from CheatHappens...
  9. MagnusDox

    The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition Trainer

    Works fine and all, Except one odd side effect is that it kills guards randomly, they just drop dead.
  10. MagnusDox

    Ultimate General Civil War Trainer

    Yeah, Having some issues with the new trainer, Followed the instructions to the letter and had it working with other versions but I can't seem to get this to work for V1.00 inf health does nothing, quick reload does nothing but the inf condition and supplies seems to work fine.