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  1. toshiba33

    Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Trainer

    Well, the bliztball cheat works for me... and also other team :confused: so i did a reset on all teams data and used the cheat again. Everything was reset, yes but then only 2 of Besaid players got leveled up with the cheat. Any idea? One more thing I've wonderer 10 years ago, will we ever get...
  2. toshiba33

    Final Fantasy 13 Trainer

    Well there is some items i need but they don't go back to 99... are they gonna duplicate if I just obtain more of them? since from what i've see that they stuck at 1 :/
  3. toshiba33

    Final Fantasy 13 Trainer

    There is minor thing occured to me with the items. I had the trainer activated with the Inf. Items and they're all 99 but if I used them all 99 for upgrading, they'll run out all. but if i use 98 items they'll be left only 1 and won't come back to 99. Is there anyway to fix this?