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  1. Jokerfish

    Convoy !

    +1 Great game but hard as hell by the end.
  2. Jokerfish

    Evolve Trainer

    Just to be clear, I didn't use it online. Once activated, your rounds played number shoots through the roof even if you play a solo game. edit: The leaderboards have been cleared of the people who were stuck at the top. This version of the trainer should be removed.
  3. Jokerfish

    Evolve Trainer

    Ouch. Maybe add an option to reset online stats? I cant imagine it would reset your local data and make you lose unlocks. I'd like to keep my level but I could care less about topping the leaderboards.
  4. Jokerfish

    Dungeon of the Endless Trainer Request

    It's one of those games where finishing it only unlocks things for you to do next time around, but I have low hopes of finishing the game with no food or whatever nonsense the other modules throw in there.
  5. Jokerfish

    Guacamelee! Gold Edition

    Yes please.
  6. Jokerfish

    Cook, Serve, Delicious!

    You can get all of these by modifying the files in your users/(name)/appdata/local/CSDsteambuild folder. I changed the bckndata1file file. Just open it in notepad. Look for the lines gchoreswaitvar and gcustomerwaitvar and make the numbers higher. Set them at around 2500 and you'll have like 5-6...
  7. Jokerfish

    Dungeon of the Endless Trainer Request

    Another bump and request. Love the game but I keep hitting a wall around floor seven no matter how strong and cautious I am.
  8. Jokerfish

    Space Run
