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  1. Z

    Dishonored 2 Trainer

    Thanks again for the trainer, Mr. Antifun!!!! Great job!!!
  2. Z

    Transistor Trainer

    Thank you so much!!! :D :D :D
  3. Z

    Transistor Trainer

    Hey Mr. Antifun! Thanks for all your hard work on all of these trainers; the work you do is amazing! I'm blown away at how many updates every game needs, and you somehow manage to provide. (Personally, I think my head would explode if our situations were reversed.) Anyhow, a new version for...
  4. Z

    Deus Ex Mankind Divided Trainer

    Mr. Antifun, I can't thank you enough for your persistent hard work on these trainers. I use Cheat Engine all the time, but I'm hopeless at the higher functions that would allow me to make my own trainers. Everything you crank out is high quality and up to date with all the patches. I hope...
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    Fallout 4 Trainer

    You're the best! Thank you sir for all your hard work!!!
  6. Z

    Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Trainer

    There's a good solution using Cheat Engine on the forums there. Good luck!
  7. Z

    Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Trainer

    I agree with a lot of the people here; if you're using the trainer/cheat engine, don't play in FOB mode. I got ransacked the first week by some guy who waltzed into my base and stole 22 guys and a load of resources because the trainer put all my men automatically asleep. It sucked, especially...
  8. Z

    Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Trainer

    Thanks for the tip man! Good God, I can't believe I ever waited it out the slow way before! You're the man!
  9. Z

    Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Trainer

    Scratch that, Resources code works just fine on vehicles and such. I think Konami tweaked the resource values... I was able to use Cheat Engine at launch to get more fuel and metals easily enough, but now finding the values is ridiculous. At least I have infinite jeeps! And I LOVE the enemies...
  10. Z

    Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Trainer

    YOU. ARE. THE. MAAAAAAANNN!!! Thank you so much for making such an awesome trainer, AND for keeping it updated! I'm bummed Konami patched... it left the infinite resources code high and dry, but I loved using it while I had it! It definitely got my Mother Base nice and set up! I can't thank you...
  11. Z

    Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Trainer

    I've played every Assassin's Creed game (sans Unity), but this was the first one I played on PC, specifically because Ubisoft had a killer Steam sale and because I knew you had this trainer available. Without a doubt, this became my absolute favorite AC gaming experience! Thank you, thank you...
  12. Z

    Dragon Age Inquisition Trainer

    I was keeping an eye on this thread since the game came out and for a similar one on Cheat Engine forums. Thanks updating this one so much, God knows it must have been a serious pain! I really appreciate the super-reliable trainers you make, and this one was no exception. I just got the...
  13. Z

    Child of Light Trainer

    Thanks for this awesome trainer, and the note about the Exp glitch. I love RPG's as much as the next man, but sometimes I like skipping the grind. One click after setting in the speed I wanted on my party members was all I needed to get this game where I wanted it to be. You're awesome, bud...
  14. Z

    Watch Dogs Trainer

    Another killer trainer! Thanks for putting this out there! Ubisoft had a mega sale, I picked up a bunch of their games, and totally loved this one. They only give you one save slot though, so having these cheats available really let me make the most out of the playthrough. Thanks again for all...
  15. Z

    Dead Space Trainer

    I got this for free from Origin when they gave this out "On the House". I've been a fan of the series from a distance, but scary games and my heart don't mix well. Your trainer made all the difference, having infinite life gave me just enough of an edge to go through the game and get a scary...
  16. Z

    Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Trainer

    Thanks again for an awesome trainer! Blood Dragon was already pretty good, but not having to worry about health and ammo so much made it so I could pay attention to the one liners more and my health bar less! YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!
  17. Z

    Farcry 3 Trainer

    Just wanted to say thanks again for another awesome trainer! I really, really appreciate all the effort you put in!
  18. Z

    Dragon Age Inquisition Trainer

    Oh! I wanted to mention a few work-arounds for the glitches: 1) Horse: Actually, to use a horse, just turn off the codes, go to your stable at Haven or Skyhold, and select a horse. Simple as that, no need to restart a game. Yes, if the codes are on, you can't use the hot key "=" to summon a...
  19. Z

    Dragon Age Inquisition Trainer

    Thanks again for making this trainer, and for making it FREE! I still can't believe you got this out... what? 2 days after launch? Seriously man, thanks for all your hard work, this game is a blast! Still, there's nothing like getting stomped by a dragon, turning on the instant cool down codes...