Trainer Search

Lucas Poyda

Active Member
Mar 2, 2016
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Hi sir ya but I can't get it done..wont work..sir..Jonredmen..i try your technic..cant n not working money wil do..n I appreciated your advise...tq sir
Its a Float type value but for me i dont add an" , " to the value like in the game.
Skill Points are 4byte but have at least 4 Points for it couse you Need to search it 3 following times(4 search/ add an skill to the bretheren in game/3 next scan and so on) and if you have 1 it shoud be adjustable however for a skill to take, my recommendation is the gifted(i think its called)perk you first have to alter the skill Points lets say 5 check it so the alterd value is stable to the in game it will still Show 1 for now but just to the Status upgrade you get threw that perk after you alterd the bretherens Status 3 times like when he get a lvl up you have the upgrade top left in the mecenary menu thats what you get threw that perk just look for that perk youll find it im sure. then it will automatically Chance that value to the amount you typed in the after one skill Point the shown value will decrease by one however it will still be the amount you typed in. after that save Always! might chrash if you do that for 3-4 People in a row.
you can also alter Health by 4 Bytes value but expect chrashes if you Change the value to much however with infinite Money and Brothers with all skills are quit powerfull but watch out for Fatigue still exspecally if you have old swordmasters and retired dudes but i like to take them anyway still Pretty powerfull with onehanded Sword no Shield and medicore amore it will be a powerfull Sellsword in your Company.
Sorry for bad english and gremmar but im from Germany.
Hope it still help you a fair bit, best of luck Bretheren.


Nov 26, 2014
Reaction score
Its a Float type value but for me i dont add an" , " to the value like in the game.
Skill Points are 4byte but have at least 4 Points for it couse you Need to search it 3 following times(4 search/ add an skill to the bretheren in game/3 next scan and so on) and if you have 1 it shoud be adjustable however for a skill to take, my recommendation is the gifted(i think its called)perk you first have to alter the skill Points lets say 5 check it so the alterd value is stable to the in game it will still Show 1 for now but just to the Status upgrade you get threw that perk after you alterd the bretherens Status 3 times like when he get a lvl up you have the upgrade top left in the mecenary menu thats what you get threw that perk just look for that perk youll find it im sure. then it will automatically Chance that value to the amount you typed in the after one skill Point the shown value will decrease by one however it will still be the amount you typed in. after that save Always! might chrash if you do that for 3-4 People in a row.
you can also alter Health by 4 Bytes value but expect chrashes if you Change the value to much however with infinite Money and Brothers with all skills are quit powerfull but watch out for Fatigue still exspecally if you have old swordmasters and retired dudes but i like to take them anyway still Pretty powerfull with onehanded Sword no Shield and medicore amore it will be a powerfull Sellsword in your Company.
Sorry for bad english and gremmar but im from Germany.
Hope it still help you a fair bit, best of luck Bretheren.
Tq m glad u are one of the strategy gamers...much appreciated..ya..some x when I scan 2nd disappear..annoyin..thats why I ask maf for help..glad his strokes are masterful ...haha


Nov 26, 2014
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Hi Lucas.. n tq once again..the game been updated..just DLC.. fast..maf


Nov 26, 2014
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Hi guys ..buddy Lucas..just tell me how to get the gold..if u focus ..on what s he works..i got the gold..99999999999999..more than works on the new really works..thanks lucas

Scott Hardy

Active Member
Sep 27, 2015
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anyway to edit the amount of gold you have? I would like to play with only that as an "advantage" (simulate a rich guy owning/backing a Merc company)


Nov 26, 2014
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It's a good one..from Lucas.. case sorted..i got more gold al great armoury.. even kill the largest enemies


Active Member
Apr 21, 2016
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Its a Float type value but for me i dont add an" , " to the value like in the game.
Skill Points are 4byte but have at least 4 Points for it couse you Need to search it 3 following times(4 search/ add an skill to the bretheren in game/3 next scan and so on) and if you have 1 it shoud be adjustable however for a skill to take, my recommendation is the gifted(i think its called)perk you first have to alter the skill Points lets say 5 check it so the alterd value is stable to the in game it will still Show 1 for now but just to the Status upgrade you get threw that perk after you alterd the bretherens Status 3 times like when he get a lvl up you have the upgrade top left in the mecenary menu thats what you get threw that perk just look for that perk youll find it im sure. then it will automatically Chance that value to the amount you typed in the after one skill Point the shown value will decrease by one however it will still be the amount you typed in. after that save Always! might chrash if you do that for 3-4 People in a row.
you can also alter Health by 4 Bytes value but expect chrashes if you Change the value to much however with infinite Money and Brothers with all skills are quit powerfull but watch out for Fatigue still exspecally if you have old swordmasters and retired dudes but i like to take them anyway still Pretty powerfull with onehanded Sword no Shield and medicore amore it will be a powerfull Sellsword in your Company.
Sorry for bad english and gremmar but im from Germany.
Hope it still help you a fair bit, best of luck Bretheren.

I don't know enough to follow these steps unfortunately. Any way you could make a step by step video or images of what we need to do please?

Lucas Poyda

Active Member
Mar 2, 2016
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Start Battle Brothers Start a new Campaign or load an existing one. When you beat the first match and return to your contractor/ you get a bit of Money/ Next step: stay in the same City (you can go where you want but its just directly) Open Cheat engine selct Battle Brothers Change the value from 4Byte to Float Buy something (prefferbly cheap) search the next value leave the City and return to it(the same City) sell it to the market search the next value if ist not there then buy/Next Value shoud be there then. IF not repeat it in whole with leaving the City go back to it buy/sell
Everything should be adjustable then.
If that was still Abit to difficult to understand i can still make a few Pictures to it just Need to say it/ if its About the skill Points i can also make some Pictures if you Need.
For Health and ap and Fatigue to be honest yesterday (30,11,2018) The Trainer has worked fine you just Need to deactivate everything after the battle thats the whole Mysterie if the Trainer still chrashes just Play on Ironman and the Trainer will only crash when engaged in battle Ironman Always save before and after a Battle. As said for skill Points Charectars Need to be at least lvl.5 that said you
Need 4 unused perks/Just use CH and serch the 4 or whatever perk Points you have(4 or more to work) The POINTS ARE 4BYTE theres the value you search in then follow These steps: take a perk from the first row (it dosnt matter which) search for the next value(in 4byte) then the Second row perk use the GIFTED perk search the next value, third row dosnt matter again if you followed These step and you started with 4 perk Points you should have 1 Point and only 1 value in Cheat engine if theres 3 values that are all 1 Just take all and Change them to the same amount it dosnt actully matter and dosnt give you chrashes(three values with 1 amount happens to come when do it for the first time after it there Always just should be one) Then when the value is checked and adjusted to 5(just for convience) in game it will still just Show theres 1 perk Point if you take another perk the 1 is gone and you cant take another one however that dosnt mean ist gone just leave the Mecenary Menu(close it) and open it again then it will Show that you have 5 Points however if dont want to close and open it again the perk GIFTED is giving you a free Status update (Top left) like when you get a lvl up and can Change 3 statues like Health and Stamina and so on if you do that it just automatically Show that you have 5 Points! Then if you add another perk it will Show you that the value shrinked by one but it will stay there however it will still be 5 but wont decrease more then 4. After you have all perks added deactivate(uncheck) the value and delete it if you want dosnt actully matter as Long as you uncheck the value(the blue X in the box of said value) repeat it with everyone that has 4 perk Points however just do it with not more than 3-4 People in a row then close the menu fight a battle visit town or some shit and there you can go again.
Yesterday (30.11.2018) i played like 5 or 6 Hours and only had 3 chrashes related to the Trainer thats a good quota if you ask me if ist Happening to chrash more for you or that it simply dosnt work before that DLC the game had a Problem with a certain antivurus Programm that couses chrashes and so it did for me i simply deleted the Programm as whole and everything workes without (much) Problem.(forgott how that shits called).
And a Little tip certain map seeds have fixed roaster for your start guys in steam Forum just look for seeds theres a list with which seeds what Brothers starts with just take the one suites you the most with the DLC theres also a Reciepe list of what is craftable and what you Need.
Hope that helpes you a bit more. if you still have have Questions fell free to ask ill anser them if can.
Greetings and good luck!


Nov 26, 2014
Reaction score
thanks master lucas..sure he become the master for battle looks tough..