I have found this on a other side. The money version works, but do not type more then 1.000.000. The game could crash.
The stats i am trying out at moment and it seems to work. also do not go above 50 points because of game crashing.
I edit the text a little so its easier to understand.
Changing players stats offline for campaing:
You'll need a database editor such as SQLite Manager for Firefox or other SQL
editor. Locate the Campaign database file:
(ex. "C:\Documents\BloodBowl2\Campaign\Campaign.db").
Open the file with your SQL editor and scroll down to "bb_team_campaign_save"
and you'll see a entry of your campaign team. Make note of the "idTeam" value.
Like nr 3371
Now go to "bb_player_listing" and locate all the players with the same "idTeam"
value you found previously. You can now edit the individual players on your team.
Specifically "characsMovementAllowance", "characsStrength", "characsAgility",
and "characsArmourValue". WARNING!!! Do not change stats on a player until the
"tutorial" introduces it. For example in game 3, they introduce agility. After the match
you can change them.
If you edit your Agility BEFORE the game opens it up, your game will crash.
Under the "bb_team_listing" table in the database, you can freely change your
current money. The value is located under "cash". You can do this at any time
it seems.
As always, take special care when editing and !!BACKUP!! your files beforehand.
Hope people have some luck with it. SQlite is pretty easy to use. Just load the .db file
and look under brows date where you can find your bb_ files. Have fun!!!!