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Active Member
Aug 4, 2014
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MAF, could u check the funtions please, fix the un fuel cheat and when u activate no tyre wear the UI has no tyre too, thats bad ^^
would be very nice ;)


Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Tested cheat : Fuel must be lower or the car will weigh a ton and hardly move try setting it to 5 or 6 not worth using atm , Tyres temps, degradation and car conditions work but also apply to driver in front +1 and behind -1 and on any other driver you click to look at.
Money works fine :)

Deleted member 36693

The problem with the fuel cheat is not what you might think.... I suspect it is because fuel adds weight to the car.... and the massive amount of weight just slows the car down to a crawl.....

the next time you work on this trainer.... try keeping the fuel at just near the full bar... run a few test laps and record the times.... then drop the trainers fuel level to keep it at just under half the bar.... and retest the lap times

if the times are faster with lower sustained fuel.... then the fuel is part of the simulation.... and you can set the amount to an even lower sustained level.... allowing us to keep consistent lap times... and not get blown out of the race after the early laps because we are not losing the weight from fuel useage

for tire temp... it needs to be kept higher... so long as you have the tire condition set to max... there is no need to keep the temp low... normally tire temp is a delicate dance for a crew chief in order to get the best performance from car and driver.... but since we have tire condition set to max for us... we dont have to worry about our rubber breaking off

i have not noticed yet if the other drivers also get tire condition.... but if that is so... the option might need to be changed to a One-Shot option.... we select our driver to focus and then hit Tire Condition option to boost it back to max

I dont post often... but have been a fan and user for a while.... thank you for all you do


New Member
Jul 2, 2014
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The problem with the fuel cheat is not what you might think.... I suspect it is because fuel adds weight to the car.... and the massive amount of weight just slows the car down to a crawl.....
What do you mean "might not be what you think", this is literally the only thing people have been saying.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2014
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Well after 6 hours of tries - I give up...

Cheat engine 6.6
fuel values...
search in float section
lock them...
change them...
observe how miserable you are ...
cars still uses fuel, fuel is still dropping, there is nothing u can do at least I can do nothing


Nov 11, 2016
Reaction score
Well after 6 hours of tries - I give up...

Cheat engine 6.6
fuel values...
search in float section
lock them...
change them...
observe how miserable you are ...
cars still uses fuel, fuel is still dropping, there is nothing u can do at least I can do nothing

Another trainer place has built one which includes a lot more stuff and they have fixed these issues.

They mentioned with the fuel it was set to stay to default as a small amount.


New Member
Mar 3, 2016
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Motorsport Manager V1.0.11576 Trainer +5

Options were tested and the results are shown in brackets (at leats for me):
  1. Inf.Money (999 Million - works 100% fine)
  2. Inf.Fuel (over 400 liters is too much - frozen at 3 would be enough)
  3. No Tyre Wear (the car infront and behind will have their tyres restored, too)
  4. Low Tyre Temperature (needle still goes up, but maybe that means nothing)
  5. Max Car Condition (works 80% fine - repairs opponent cars, too)

Erza Scarlet

May 25, 2014
Reaction score
The problem with the fuel cheat is not what you might think.... I suspect it is because fuel adds weight to the car.... and the massive amount of weight just slows the car down to a crawl.....

the next time you work on this trainer.... try keeping the fuel at just near the full bar... run a few test laps and record the times.... then drop the trainers fuel level to keep it at just under half the bar.... and retest the lap times

if the times are faster with lower sustained fuel.... then the fuel is part of the simulation.... and you can set the amount to an even lower sustained level.... allowing us to keep consistent lap times... and not get blown out of the race after the early laps because we are not losing the weight from fuel useage

for tire temp... it needs to be kept higher... so long as you have the tire condition set to max... there is no need to keep the temp low... normally tire temp is a delicate dance for a crew chief in order to get the best performance from car and driver.... but since we have tire condition set to max for us... we dont have to worry about our rubber breaking off

i have not noticed yet if the other drivers also get tire condition.... but if that is so... the option might need to be changed to a One-Shot option.... we select our driver to focus and then hit Tire Condition option to boost it back to max

I dont post often... but have been a fan and user for a while.... thank you for all you do

or maybe just use the fuel & tired near end & use the cheat


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
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can get cheat instance finish part of develop for car?

Did your drivers driving sooooooo slow after activating cheats?

yes drivers are slow plus if u click on other drivers their tyres replenish

the Drivers get rly slow because of too much Fuel

Yep, same here

you if you use the trick of gasoline the car becomes heavy and does not run

I hope MrAntiFun will fix it as soon as it possible :D

Also + if you press on other player that is not your he will also get No Tyre Wear

Car slow can not drive fast because of the many fuel problem does not have to 350 LITA
need to say less fuel 6Lita stop the better ..

It seems whatever cheats you enable for your team is also applied to the Opposition Team (I think that's the designation for the team closest to you in ranking). Might be worth investigating into that.

Maybe look for "Opposition Driver".

car 2 slow boss

Instead of max money could we instead have one that increases money by 5,000,000 or something instead?

problems: the fuel limit is 7.. if you activate the fuel code, your car will run slow.. VERY slow.
the codes works too for the enemy AI :p

still, a good job boss ^_^

Thanks for the Cheats as usual ! I'm hoping you could update with:

6. Fast Building Construction/Developement & Upgrade
7. Instant Car Building Part
8. Driver Morale to Max

And many more feautures you can think of ! Thanks MrAntifun !

PS !!!:
- Cheats seems to be affecting opponent drivers as well , will double check this hypothesis ...
- Inf Fuel sets fuel to excess tank/fuel which leads to Slowness of cars :) !

The no tyre wear codes works too for many enemy AI and the fuel code makes the car very slow.

Sorry for my bad english :(

Fuel feature make the car heavy because of excessive fuel that code add to the game.

Imagine if the car have many fuel in the tank, the car can't run because of too many fuel.

For tires it also affects other drivers.

i agree to this. Trainer is almost useless except money part.

no tyre wear works for AI too. Maybe you can fix this?

Yes big thanks :)

But same as other people. Unlimited fuel makes the car crawl. Also the unlimited tyres works on the opponents car that is either side of you on the leader board. eg. if my car is in 3rd (and im controlling my driver) then 2nd and 4th will have unlimited tyres too. As soon as you switch to your second driver same thing happens.

Low tyre temp doesnt seem to work at all either.

Condition and money works a treat :)

EDIT: A work around for now for the a driver thats last on the grid, that way your opponents near your drivers dont get unlimited tyres :) Only thing is you dont get to watch your drivers race

Yeah, cheat of fuel is a problem of big weight of a car. And cheat of infinity wires is making this effect for you and AI. This is a problem, man.

yes please chage the fuel count to 10 or 20 MAF

It would be better if it just stayed at .01 or something, hence it would be the lightest car

the 2 problems is the tyre for IA and the fuel because we are low

You are the BOSS! Thank you so much!

Thanks for this trainer :)

1. Inf Money is working fine.
2. Inf Fuel slow car - Need to be fixed.
3. No Tyre wear is working fine. - You need to pause the game before using it.
4. Low Tyre temperature - Not working.
5. Max car condition is working fine.

can you maybe also add instant building, instant upgrade, and fix the tyres and fuel? and for the rest you did a great job!!!!!!!

whatever you do, "no tyre wear" option does not work well. Pausing etc wont help.
and since you have to pit chosing other car wont work either.

Yeah, I met problems with fuel, and tyres that AI gets perfect tyres too.

MAF, could u check the funtions please, fix the un fuel cheat and when u activate no tyre wear the UI has no tyre too, thats bad ^^
would be very nice ;)

Tested cheat : Fuel must be lower or the car will weigh a ton and hardly move try setting it to 5 or 6 not worth using atm , Tyres temps, degradation and car conditions work but also apply to driver in front +1 and behind -1 and on any other driver you click to look at.
Money works fine :)

The problem with the fuel cheat is not what you might think.... I suspect it is because fuel adds weight to the car.... and the massive amount of weight just slows the car down to a crawl.....

the next time you work on this trainer.... try keeping the fuel at just near the full bar... run a few test laps and record the times.... then drop the trainers fuel level to keep it at just under half the bar.... and retest the lap times

if the times are faster with lower sustained fuel.... then the fuel is part of the simulation.... and you can set the amount to an even lower sustained level.... allowing us to keep consistent lap times... and not get blown out of the race after the early laps because we are not losing the weight from fuel useage

for tire temp... it needs to be kept higher... so long as you have the tire condition set to max... there is no need to keep the temp low... normally tire temp is a delicate dance for a crew chief in order to get the best performance from car and driver.... but since we have tire condition set to max for us... we dont have to worry about our rubber breaking off

i have not noticed yet if the other drivers also get tire condition.... but if that is so... the option might need to be changed to a One-Shot option.... we select our driver to focus and then hit Tire Condition option to boost it back to max

I dont post often... but have been a fan and user for a while.... thank you for all you do

What do you mean "might not be what you think", this is literally the only thing people have been saying.

Motorsport Manager V1.0.11576 Trainer +5

Options were tested and the results are shown in brackets (at leats for me):
  1. Inf.Money (999 Million - works 100% fine)
  2. Inf.Fuel (over 400 liters is too much - frozen at 3 would be enough)
  3. No Tyre Wear (the car infront and behind will have their tyres restored, too)
  4. Low Tyre Temperature (needle still goes up, but maybe that means nothing)
  5. Max Car Condition (works 80% fine - repairs opponent cars, too)

If you use unl fuel your car gets heavy and is very slow. Remove fuel from car

or maybe just use the fuel & tired near end & use the cheat

New trainer added :-
  • Fixed fuel cheat , Lowered it to around 24
  • Fixed Tyre Wear cheat to not effect AI
  • Added Instant Part Design , Read notice
  • Added Car Part Max Improvement , Read Notice


New Member
Apr 30, 2015
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Instant Part Design work only for T1 Komponents (green)
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