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Jul 12, 2014
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So first off all, I want to say this thread contains my opinion on this DLC, everyone can have his opinion but i like to share mine. I'm open-minded so if you want to share your opinion with me I'm all ears.
Secondly I wont spoil the game overall or the end of it, you should play it on your own.

The DLC overall
So for me I was waiting since 2015 on Blood and Wine, I knew it would be good but I didn't thought that it will be that good. The places where you could go and just watch the atmosphere of this game was so lovely, Toussaint was one of the most beautifully places I saw that far in The witcher 3, (And i spent alot of Time just looking around and enjoyed the views you could have). After that I came towards the Quest you could take in the world of Toussaint, after the first Sidequest i recognized how much detail and love CD Red put into the DLC since it's the last DLC and the last journey of Geralt of Riva. But I need to say I expected less from the Sidequest (Since they're only Sideqeusts) but they put as much love in it as into the Main Story. And the Character you meet in Toussaint are made with even more love, the Details and Story behind these Characters were lovely & exciting to read.

The End of the DLC
I was done with the DLC at 2:20-2:30 am this morning, and for me the End was a little bit bland, since I saw so much beauty in the DLC, I hoped a little bit more of it at the End, but it shouldn't be that way what makes me sad in the end. But a big But I enjoyed it, every minute of the Game and his DLC's I definitly enjoyed them.

Last Words about the Game&DLC's
So after finishing The witcher 3 twice and both the DLC's once I have to say, The witcher series is for me by far the best series I played until now, and I will comeback and play every Part of the Series again around Summer time, so that was my thought about the DLC and Game overall.

Little fun fact at the End: Yes Blood and Wine was the last Journey of Geralt, but the Storywriter Jakub Szamalek said in an interview with giga, he could imagine a new The witcher but with an other Protagonist, maybe it will be Ciri this time? ;) Im excited and can't really wait for the next game of CD Red