Trainer Search

Nov 26, 2015
Reaction score
I have been using WeMod for a while. It's nice, though support for updates can take a while. That is when I switch back to MAF or someone else that has a newer version. I also don't like the amount of votes it takes for a single game to get a trainer made and patch update support require votes also. Some are 400 and others are 2000 votes. That's a little much. Maybe those numbers be cut down to 300. Or something more reasonable.


Sep 18, 2016
Reaction score
I appreciate the reply. So the platforms we show is the only platform we tested it on that doesn't mean it won't work on other platforms you will need to manually select the exe. If you select the trainer for steam then click fix a file explorer will come up and you will be able to select the exe.

MAF made a statement about the voting system in the live chat. Not everyone will agree with it but ultimately our voting system is more efficient than just posting a thread. We tried that and it was a mess. We will also be changing the voting system and point system in the near future.

As for your last point. We've been around just as long as MAF. MAF agreed to join us because of our backend. It will ultimately allow him to create and update more trainers than he can currently.

Thanks for keeping up with everything and being level-headed. We'll see how it all goes. I do know that Kingdom Come does not work on the GoG version of the cheats. Most of my games are Origin and Steam, and many of my Origin games are moddable and don't need trainers so I haven't tested extensively.


Nov 26, 2014
Reaction score
well time will tell if the alliance bear fruits..i still prefer Maf blog..hope it goes well..wemod in games still slow it will be good..i hope Maf make the right call..


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
"Free with extra perks" Yeah, **** off.

100% guarantee this site will cease to exist as is and eventually it will turn into that other shit site that charges monthly fees. Good luck with losing most everyone currently here reguardless of what they are currently claiming.


WeMod Community Manager
Staff member
Jul 20, 2019
Reaction score
Thanks for keeping up with everything and being level-headed. We'll see how it all goes. I do know that Kingdom Come does not work on the GoG version of the cheats. Most of my games are Origin and Steam, and many of my Origin games are moddable and don't need trainers so I haven't tested extensively.
Hmm ok. Does the MAF trainer work for GoG? He just transferred it to WeMod so if the standalone works then the WeMod trainer should work also.

For everyone that still wants to use this site, we will continue to post threads for all trainers here but they will be incorporated into WeMod.


New Member
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
I apologize if any mod author was nasty towards you. We do not endorse that, and it's unacceptable. I hope you understand that thousands of people use WeMod every day and with that comes growing pains.

The amount of customers/users that use your services should never be an excuse at all on how your "front of the house" team members interact with customers. That comes down to poor training, little to no oversight, WeMod doesnt care about their customers, or all of above. If your mods feel like that can treat customers this way, then most likely they can without anything repercussions.

I work in the Casino Hospitality and our standards are pretty hard when it comes to guest interactions. A single complaint from the wrong person could end your career, while compliments can get you that bonus your needed. Not only that, we have secret evaluations that also can effect if you get a raise. The main thing is that we try to train our people to treat all the guest the same, unless their a certain tier. When a guest is a diamond player, meaning they spend over $100,000.00 a year at our casinos. Of course we will go a little above norm to accommodate them but that's because we know they spend a lot of time and money at our casinos. that doesn't mean we will ignore or treat our other guest horrible.

Now we would remove or ban guest that mistreat our team members or other guest. almost every night i see someone gets escorted off property. However we always do that in a professional manner.

Note: all trainers in WeMod are FREE. Pro just gives some extra perks.
But what we are all upset about is what constitutes an extra perk? like do money cheats, Health cheats, etc counts as a extra perk? if they do not, will they later? Majority of us predict that over time more and more of the cheats we see now will be counted as an extra perk we have to pay for. Cause I've tried other company services and without a subscription the mod/cheat didn't work or was pretty much useless. Then when my sub was over all the mods I've downloaded before no longer work. can you tell me or us that this is not going to happen?

Pretty much I think, That in time this site is going to be dead
  • Someone else is going to fill the void. Most Likely
  • You guys will piss off/screw mrantifun and he starts a new his own site again unless he signed a noncompete.
  • A lot of people are going to try it at first but most will walk away due to "Growing Pains"
  • Mods will continue to abuse customers and user input will be ignored cause WeMod corporate culture doesn't promote customer service and hospitality.
I hope I'm wrong and would love it if you guys would prove me wrong. That WeMod becomes an awesome company that we can all love and enjoy, basically the opposite of EA. Please prove me wrong i wont be mad if you do I swear!!
Last edited:


Sep 18, 2016
Reaction score
Hmm ok. Does the MAF trainer work for GoG? He just transferred it to WeMod so if the standalone works then the WeMod trainer should work also.

nope. WeMod client throwing a "failed to read DLL WHGame" error.


New Member
Nov 3, 2016
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First, there is no f*****y with the anti-virus and firewall system on my computer, it works with tight security. Dunno how, don't care.
Second (But maybe even more important than the first), MAF needs some income too. If we expect him to do things regularly, he needs to earn a buck or two for it. On a regular basis that can be calculated. And I think that is what WeMod is offering to him. To the people who do not understand this... well, I can't help them. Personally, I am happy if he can turn his passion into something really profitable. And, if I find the need for it, I will pay for it (as no service is, again, free in the long run).

Well, stone me, but as a player who first plays a game through, then use trainers to exploit the shit out of it, the current state of WeMod is perfect for me. I have been using MAF when I could, but honestly, I don't have that much time to look for compatible versions and trial/error.

So *as long as free users can use the WeMod service* (mind you, I don't have any value in being able to request a trainer), this is perfectly fine with me. And I actually like the platform nature of the app, for several reasons anyways.


WeMod Community Manager
Staff member
Jul 20, 2019
Reaction score
The amount of customers/users that use your services should never be an excuse at all on how your "front of the house" team members interact with customers. That comes down to poor training, little to no oversight, WeMod doesnt care about their customers, or all of above. If your mods feel like that can treat customers this way, then most likely they can without anything repercussions.

I work in the Casino Hospitality and our standards are pretty hard when it comes to guest interactions. A single complaint from the wrong person could end your career, while compliments can get you that bonus your needed. Not only that, we have secret evaluations that also can effect if you get a raise. The main thing is that we try to train our people to treat all the guest the same, unless their a certain tier. When a guest is a diamond player, meaning they spend over $100,000.00 a year at our casinos. Of course we will go a little above norm to accommodate them but that's because we know they spend a lot of time and money at our casinos. that doesn't mean we will ignore or treat our other guest horrible.

Now we would remove or ban guest that mistreat our team members or other guest. almost every night i see someone gets escorted off property. However we always do that in a professional manner.

But what we are all upset about is what constitutes an extra perk? like do money cheats, Health cheats, etc counts as a extra perk? if they do not, will they later? Majority of us predict that over time more and more of the cheats we see now will be counted as an extra perk we have to pay for. Cause I've tried other company services and without a subscription the mod/cheat didn't work or was pretty much useless. Then when my sub was over all the mods I've downloaded before no longer work. can you tell me or us that this is not going to happen?

Pretty much I think, That in time this site is going to be dead
  • Someone else is going to fill the void. Most Likely
  • You guys will piss off/screw mrantifun and he starts a new his own site again unless he signed a noncompete.
  • A lot of people are going to try it at first but most will walk away due to "Growing Pains"
  • Mods will continue to abuse customers and user input will be ignored cause WeMod corporate culture doesn't promote customer service and hospitality.
I hope I'm wrong and would love it if you guys would prove me wrong. That WeMod becomes an awesome company that we can all love and enjoy, basically the opposite of EA. Please prove me wrong i wont be mad if you do I swear!!
We agree with you completely. There is no excuse for anyone on our team to reply in that fashion. I haven't seen it happen in a long time but if you've seen something recent and want to send me a link to it we will definitely address it.

So for extra's we are speaking app/site related perks only. So things like access to our remote application that allows cheats to be activated using your phone, extra WePoints and votes(even more soon), priority support, additional WeMod themes, and a few other small perks. We have no plans to make cheats Pro only.

nope. WeMod client throwing a "failed to read DLL WHGame" error.

Alright, I will see if we can look into that and get it working on GoG also.

To everyone mentioning the voting system. We have plans to change it in the next big update. It will not be removed but it will be reworked in a way that will benefit everyone.
Jun 1, 2019
Reaction score
our voting system is more efficient than just posting a thread. We tried that and it was a mess.
Forum thread systems are only messy and ineffective when there is a lazy, ineffective or incompetent moderation team overseeing it. Such systems need a trained, experienced moderation team with good organisation skills and access to shared documents (such as Google sheets) to keep track of things. The team also needs to be a mixed variety of people from a variety of timezones, to ensure one moderator isn't going to wake up to 500+ posts to wade through all alone because there was nobody moderating while he was sleeping. As a former community manager for a popular German-based gaming company, I know all too well the chaos a forum can descend to when the moderation team is ineffective.

Anyway. Just a few additional things I'd like to point out, which I neglected to mention in my other post over on the first page.
  • I do see why MAF has made the decision to join the WeMod team. It's a means of income for him, the guy needs to survive somehow. People keep stealing his trainers and re-uploading them to their own website, which means they don't see MAF's donation links here. WeMod does make it harder for trainers to be stolen and re-uploaded. And that, I admit, is one good thing about WeMod, better protection against such a thing.

  • It's been said multiple times in this thread, but still deserves to be said again because it's the main reason for the criticism against WeMod. The request system on WeMod is ridiculous. For example:
    • Older games require the same amount of requests as newer games. WeMod fails to take into account that older games might not have as many players compared to newer ones (who are at least aware of or can be bothered to sign up for WeMod). Therefore it takes much longer to get the required amount of votes. The votes need to be more flexible and take into account the likely number of active players for that game - and then halved to account for the fact that most of them won't register for WeMod.
    • On the topic of existing games, chances are a trainer already exists elsewhere. This gives the player no incentive to register to vote for the game on WeMod, they'll just download a trainer that already exists. This makes successful voting take longer too.
    • Games developed by indie/start-up companies rather than "big names" will also struggle to get the current required number of requests because fewer people are aware of its existence.
    • There are huge favouritism and bias towards Steam on WeMod. I'm not sure if WeMod is aware, but a large chunk of potentially-paying gamers actually seem to dislike Steam controlling their gaming lives. If you have a GOG, retail, etc version of the game, chances are you won't find a trainer for it on WeMod (but you will elsewhere). Players and potential customers are being discriminated against based on their version of the game. A successful game request should cover all versions, not just the Steam version.
    • In general, the total required requests needed for any game is too high. WeMod overrates itself, expecting thousands of gamers from all corners of the globe to come running to them. People want to play their game; they don't want to register, confirm, vote and then wait for a millennia for someone else to do the same.
    • Let's say a game got enough requests for a trainer to be released for it - hooray. But three days later the game gets an update rendering the trainer broken. You have to go through the whole circle of getting enough requests all over again for an update.

  • Not all communities last forever. Eventually, they will wind down and reduce to a virtual ghost town. Especially as competition sprouts up and as technology changes (and as people get frustratingly bored with waiting for enough people to request a trainer). This means the trainer authors who partnered with WeMod are back to square one. I hope they have something prepared to fall back onto when this inevitably happens in the future.

  • There's no guarantee that paying customers will get anything in return. If you decide to buy more of these coins to place requests, you still might not get those requests fulfilled. This, in a sense, is quite similar to "gamble crates" seen in some MMOs these days, where you pay a high price for a very, very small chance of getting something worthwhile in return. (Some game companies have been summoned to appear before a court of law for this). I get that there are costs to cover and staff to pay, but really? Gamble votes?

The main gripe with WeMod is the request system, as we can see in this thread (and elsewhere on the internet). You go to an independent trainer maker and put in a request - bam - at most a week or so later the trainer exists. You go to WeMod and put in a request... and then sit there twiddling your thumbs for a couple of months while most other players are already enjoying a trainer made by someone else.

Through all this criticism, we have to admit there are a few good points about WeMod too:
  • Better protection for trainer makers like MAF from having their hard work stolen and re-uploaded by leeches (ie - "GCW").
  • A source of income for trainer makers like MAF. A good opportunity for MAF to get some more experience in the gaming industry.
  • The player has better control over many cheat options. For example, there are several "cash" cheats that allow you to choose how much cash to add, as opposed to having infinite cash (ie when you just want to buy one thing, not the entire store).
  • The hotkeys are easily customisable (many of MAF's older trainers do not have this crucial feature - There are several older MAF trainers where the cheat hotkey conflicts with an in-game hotkey with no way to change the trainer's key (example, F5 is commonly used as the quicksave hotkey in games, which conflicts with trainers using F5 for a cheat option). His newer ones do have hotkey editing features, which is a relief).
  • Brighter and cheerier colour scheme compared to this community here. We left the emos behind in the 90's, stop trying to revive them, MAF, lol.
  • The WeMod team are here listening to our feedback. In my time I've witnessed a few mergers, partnerships and the like. They don't always try to touch base with the community like the WeMod team is. Instead of the usual "we're merging, get used to it, bye" in such situations, we're instead having the opportunity to communicate with each other. I hope WeMod takes the feedback here on board.

Maybe if major changes were made to the request system (as announced in the post above) to make it more realistic, flexible and take into account factors such as age of the game, whether it's developed by a well-known name or a small unknown indie start-up, etc, we'd be a bit more open to at least giving it a go. MAF has been influencing our gaming for some time, so I'm sure we are all hoping the best for him. Maybe, deep down, we're worried that the current request system at WeMod could hold him back and damage his excellent reputation of being a speedy and receptive trainer maker. I hope nothing but the best for MAF. Hopefully, WeMod can provide him that by addressing the issues with their request system.
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WeMod Community Manager
Staff member
Jul 20, 2019
Reaction score
Forum thread systems are only messy and ineffective when there is a lazy, ineffective or incompetent moderation team overseeing it. Such systems need a trained, experienced moderation team with good organisation skills and access to shared documents (such as Google sheets) to keep track of things. The team also needs to be a mixed variety of people from a variety of timezones, to ensure one moderator isn't going to wake up to 500+ posts to wade through all alone because there was nobody moderating while he was sleeping. As a former community manager for a popular German-based gaming company, I know all too well the chaos a forum can descend to when the moderation team is ineffective.

Anyway. Just a few additional things I'd like to point out, which I neglected to mention in my other post over on the first page.
  • I do see why MAF has made the decision to join the WeMod team. It's a means of income for him, the guy needs to survive somehow. People keep stealing his trainers and re-uploading them to their own website, which means they don't see MAF's donation links here. WeMod does make it harder for trainers to be stolen and re-uploaded. And that, I admit, is one good thing about WeMod, better protection against such a thing.

  • It's been said multiple times in this thread, but still deserves to be said again because it's the main reason for the criticism against WeMod. The request system on WeMod is ridiculous. For example:
    • Older games require the same amount of requests as newer games. WeMod fails to take into account that older games might not have as many players compared to newer ones (who are at least aware of or can be bothered to sign up for WeMod). Therefore it takes much longer to get the required amount of votes. The votes need to be more flexible and take into account the likely number of active players for that game - and then halved to account for the fact that most of them won't register for WeMod.
    • On the topic of existing games, chances are a trainer already exists elsewhere. This gives the player no incentive to register to vote for the game on WeMod, they'll just download a trainer that already exists. This makes successful voting take longer too.
    • Games developed by indie/start-up companies rather than "big names" will also struggle to get the current required number of requests because fewer people are aware of its existence.
    • There are huge favouritism and bias towards Steam on WeMod. I'm not sure if WeMod is aware, but a large chunk of potentially-paying gamers actually seem to dislike Steam controlling their gaming lives. If you have a GOG, retail, etc version of the game, chances are you won't find a trainer for it on WeMod (but you will elsewhere). Players and potential customers are being discriminated against based on their version of the game. A successful game request should cover all versions, not just the Steam version.
    • In general, the total required requests needed for any game is too high. WeMod overrates itself, expecting thousands of gamers from all corners of the globe to come running to them. People want to play their game; they don't want to register, confirm, vote and then wait for a millennia for someone else to do the same.
    • Let's say a game got enough requests for a trainer to be released for it - hooray. But three days later the game gets an update rendering the trainer broken. You have to go through the whole circle of getting enough requests all over again for an update.

  • Not all communities last forever. Eventually, they will wind down and reduce to a virtual ghost town. Especially as competition sprouts up and as technology changes (and as people get frustratingly bored with waiting for enough people to request a trainer). This means the trainer authors who partnered with WeMod are back to square one. I hope they have something prepared to fall back onto when this inevitably happens in the future.

  • There's no guarantee that paying customers will get anything in return. If you decide to buy more of these coins to place requests, you still might not get those requests fulfilled. This, in a sense, is quite similar to "gamble crates" seen in some MMOs these days, where you pay a high price for a very, very small chance of getting something worthwhile in return. (Some game companies have been summoned to appear before a court of law for this). I get that there are costs to cover and staff to pay, but really? Gamble votes?

The main gripe with WeMod is the request system, as we can see in this thread (and elsewhere on the internet). You go to an independent trainer maker and put in a request - bam - at most a week or so later the trainer exists. You go to WeMod and put in a request... and then sit there twiddling your thumbs for a couple of months while most other players are already enjoying a trainer made by someone else.

Through all this criticism, we have to admit there are a few good points about WeMod too:
  • Better protection for trainer makers like MAF from having their hard work stolen and re-uploaded by leeches (ie - "GCW").
  • A source of income for trainer makers like MAF. A good opportunity for MAF to get some more experience in the gaming industry.
  • The player has better control over many cheat options. For example, there are several "cash" cheats that allow you to choose how much cash to add, as opposed to having infinite cash (ie when you just want to buy one thing, not the entire store).
  • The hotkeys are easily customisable (many of MAF's older trainers do not have this crucial feature - There are several older MAF trainers where the cheat hotkey conflicts with an in-game hotkey with no way to change the trainer's key (example, F5 is commonly used as the quicksave hotkey in games, which conflicts with trainers using F5 for a cheat option). His newer ones do have hotkey editing features, which is a relief).
  • Brighter and cheerier colour scheme compared to this community here. We left the emos behind in the 90's, stop trying to revive them, MAF, lol.
  • The WeMod team are here listening to our feedback. In my time I've witnessed a few mergers, partnerships and the like. They don't always try to touch base with the community like the WeMod team is. Instead of the usual "we're merging, get used to it, bye" in such situations, we're instead having the opportunity to communicate with each other. I hope WeMod takes the feedback here on board.

Maybe if major changes were made to the request system (as announced in the post above) to make it more realistic, flexible and take into account factors such as age of the game, whether it's developed by a well-known name or a small unknown indie start-up, etc, we'd be a bit more open to at least giving it a go. MAF has been influencing our gaming for some time, so I'm sure we are all hoping the best for him. Maybe, deep down, we're worried that the current request system at WeMod could hold him back and damage his excellent reputation of being a speedy and receptive trainer maker. I hope nothing but the best for MAF. Hopefully, WeMod can provide him that by addressing the issues with their request system.
MAF himself said that requesting cheats by thread is a terrible system. We plan to address small(indie) and old games in the next voting system update. The current voting system is also a bit misinformative. Games do not need to reach the 1000/2000 points goals before we update them or before a trainer is made. We used to follow that but found it didn't work very well.


Super Donor
Feb 7, 2017
Reaction score
Those of you complaining about this merger realize you don't need any of these can do it yourself. Learn some Assembly, download CE and have at it.

I have supported MAF in the past and will continue to do so, I have a Pro account on WeMod and even support other trainer sites. I have been using CE for years and I know how much work is involved in making a trainer so I am more than happy to support these guys so I can spend more time gaming rather than *******.

I don't work for free and I don't expect them to.


Super Donor
May 17, 2015
Reaction score
look ima be complete honest here. i dont like the merger. but i have my reasons. for years i have been with MAF ans supported him, but the reason behind it was it is free completely. those even without having to "vote" or pay for voting privileges could ask for trainers to be made, yes it took a while but it got done. same with updates. to me that is someone who is willing to go above and beyond in the service industry and thats why i personally WANTED to give money to him. now i only use his trainers maybe once a year or two when something major drops. the only games i play are CIV/Anno/Total War. but despite that i will keep donating because of the community as well. we are here because we want to see MAF thrive. WeMod gives me the feeling instantly that its so much more revenue focused than it is community focused. the little guy matters in this conversation.

i have used WeMod and deleted it after 5 mins simply because of total war three kingdoms. played it using the application and bam. health for troops dont work....... i didnt even want to stay to find out what other things didnt work. play the game with MAF trainers and i mean REALLY PLAY THE GAME. then switch over to WeMod. you will notice instantly there is a lack of quality in how the trainer works.

for me, i dont mind donating in fact i love donating to something i believe in unlike some red cross bs. i dont know about other people here, but honestly i feel like the little guy sometimes in the gaming community, and if i get the feeling im not being heard out on then i'll walk away. Im sorry but WeMod gives me that feeling. get some UI feedback. yes our community here might not look as fancy as WeMod, but we have a community here. and ive checked their website, could not find a community like our where we can talk and post and comment and give suggestions and build together.

this is the gaming industry, not some corporate fortune 500 where the only thing that matters is "hows our stock looking today". we run things differently here. and as someone pointed out above. prove us wrong. dont be EA. we wont be mad, in fact we will probably open our wallets and beg you to take our money.

its my rant, but i dont think i judged too harshly. seriously. play the game using both trainers. yea its only ONE game, but how is it someone like MAF can make every trainer so simple and elegant to use but an aesthetically pleasing focused company cant make functioning the number one priority. dont be apple. be android. lol jk. no but seriously.


WeMod Community Manager
Staff member
Jul 20, 2019
Reaction score
look ima be complete honest here. i dont like the merger. but i have my reasons. for years i have been with MAF ans supported him, but the reason behind it was it is free completely. those even without having to "vote" or pay for voting privileges could ask for trainers to be made, yes it took a while but it got done. same with updates. to me that is someone who is willing to go above and beyond in the service industry and thats why i personally WANTED to give money to him. now i only use his trainers maybe once a year or two when something major drops. the only games i play are CIV/Anno/Total War. but despite that i will keep donating because of the community as well. we are here because we want to see MAF thrive. WeMod gives me the feeling instantly that its so much more revenue focused than it is community focused. the little guy matters in this conversation.

i have used WeMod and deleted it after 5 mins simply because of total war three kingdoms. played it using the application and bam. health for troops dont work....... i didnt even want to stay to find out what other things didnt work. play the game with MAF trainers and i mean REALLY PLAY THE GAME. then switch over to WeMod. you will notice instantly there is a lack of quality in how the trainer works.

for me, i dont mind donating in fact i love donating to something i believe in unlike some red cross bs. i dont know about other people here, but honestly i feel like the little guy sometimes in the gaming community, and if i get the feeling im not being heard out on then i'll walk away. Im sorry but WeMod gives me that feeling. get some UI feedback. yes our community here might not look as fancy as WeMod, but we have a community here. and ive checked their website, could not find a community like our where we can talk and post and comment and give suggestions and build together.

this is the gaming industry, not some corporate fortune 500 where the only thing that matters is "hows our stock looking today". we run things differently here. and as someone pointed out above. prove us wrong. dont be EA. we wont be mad, in fact we will probably open our wallets and beg you to take our money.

its my rant, but i dont think i judged too harshly. seriously. play the game using both trainers. yea its only ONE game, but how is it someone like MAF can make every trainer so simple and elegant to use but an aesthetically pleasing focused company cant make functioning the number one priority. dont be apple. be android. lol jk. no but seriously.

Thank you for the feedback.

Voting does not cost anything on WeMod. Pro users earn more WePoints and votes so they have a bigger say in what is made just like donors here get more say in what is made. We are working on an updated voting system that will benefit everyone.

Occasionally cheats aren't going to work because of updates. Unfortunately, game devs have no qualms with releasing games that haven't been tested properly then pushing weekly updates to fix issues. We do our best to keep games updated but it isn't always going to happen the same day the update is released.

You are right about our community, it isn't very active. For the most part, people come to the forums for help since almost everything else is contained within WeMod, but we do have forums and a Discord with over 10k members. We would love to see everyone join and be active in both.

As far as how we run WeMod. We didn't start it to make huge amounts of money. We've been creating cheats and mods for over 10 years now starting with Xbox 360. We are trying to make cheats/trainers accessible to as many people as possible without the worries of shady downloads. We try to be as transparent as possible about everything we do.

There isn't going to be a lot of change with MAF. He is still going to work on the games he wants to and update what he feels should be updated. We are simply providing him with a better platform to build and distribute his cheats on. He previously said WeMod has cut the time it takes him to publish a new trainer by approximately 2 hours. With 1300 trainers that would have been more than 108 days of time saved.


Super Donor
Oct 8, 2017
Reaction score
Thank you for the feedback.

Voting does not cost anything on WeMod. Pro users earn more WePoints and votes so they have a bigger say in what is made just like donors here get more say in what is made. We are working on an updated voting system that will benefit everyone.

Occasionally cheats aren't going to work because of updates. Unfortunately, game devs have no qualms with releasing games that haven't been tested properly then pushing weekly updates to fix issues. We do our best to keep games updated but it isn't always going to happen the same day the update is released.

You are right about our community, it isn't very active. For the most part, people come to the forums for help since almost everything else is contained within WeMod, but we do have forums and a Discord with over 10k members. We would love to see everyone join and be active in both.

As far as how we run WeMod. We didn't start it to make huge amounts of money. We've been creating cheats and mods for over 10 years now starting with Xbox 360. We are trying to make cheats/trainers accessible to as many people as possible without the worries of shady downloads. We try to be as transparent as possible about everything we do.

There isn't going to be a lot of change with MAF. He is still going to work on the games he wants to and update what he feels should be updated. We are simply providing him with a better platform to build and distribute his cheats on. He previously said WeMod has cut the time it takes him to publish a new trainer by approximately 2 hours. With 1300 trainers that would have been more than 108 days of time saved.

Lol please let me know what your smoking (maybe the same stuff Tim Sweeney aka Epic Games numbskull is) ...

Pro users (because they donate get preference) ... Been on MAF for 2 years (as a donor) and never needed any preferential treatment ..
Do you even know how CE (cheat engine works?) .. You make it sound as if it's rocket science ..
If you did not start it to make money, then why the need for subscriptions? Please spare me the "can't live life on TLC" ..
Please for f!@$'s sake how is WeMod helping MAF cut down the time? Are you'll getting him the games/ updates faster, having someone work on the trainers with him, doing his RL job so he can make trainers?

Annoying scripted replies makes you sound like a machine, atleast if you have no respect for your intelligence spare us the BS ..
I would definitely donate to MAF, but not some wannabe website .. Cheers MAF ..


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I think a lot of users are rushing to criticize without even trying the app first .

It basically has everything you were getting with the trainers i made ,The extra perks are just extra,All the cheats are free to use , All the cheats have free to use hotkey editor with better design.

I'm not saying everything is perfect right now ,We need sometime to figure everything out and make the app as user friendly as possible but it needs sometime ,Currently we are working up to 14 hours a day to make the transition as best as possible .

If someone has a suggestion or an issue we can address it ,But it must be a realistic suggestion or issue .

WeMod, MegaDev - no need for such crap. Go milk someone else. Bye.

The trainers are 100% free to use .

Forum thread systems are only messy and ineffective when there is a lazy, ineffective or incompetent moderation team overseeing it. Such systems need a trained, experienced moderation team with good organisation skills and access to shared documents (such as Google sheets) to keep track of things. The team also needs to be a mixed variety of people from a variety of timezones, to ensure one moderator isn't going to wake up to 500+ posts to wade through all alone because there was nobody moderating while he was sleeping. As a former community manager for a popular German-based gaming company, I know all too well the chaos a forum can descend to when the moderation team is ineffective.

Anyway. Just a few additional things I'd like to point out, which I neglected to mention in my other post over on the first page.
  • I do see why MAF has made the decision to join the WeMod team. It's a means of income for him, the guy needs to survive somehow. People keep stealing his trainers and re-uploading them to their own website, which means they don't see MAF's donation links here. WeMod does make it harder for trainers to be stolen and re-uploaded. And that, I admit, is one good thing about WeMod, better protection against such a thing.

  • It's been said multiple times in this thread, but still deserves to be said again because it's the main reason for the criticism against WeMod. The request system on WeMod is ridiculous. For example:
    • Older games require the same amount of requests as newer games. WeMod fails to take into account that older games might not have as many players compared to newer ones (who are at least aware of or can be bothered to sign up for WeMod). Therefore it takes much longer to get the required amount of votes. The votes need to be more flexible and take into account the likely number of active players for that game - and then halved to account for the fact that most of them won't register for WeMod.
    • On the topic of existing games, chances are a trainer already exists elsewhere. This gives the player no incentive to register to vote for the game on WeMod, they'll just download a trainer that already exists. This makes successful voting take longer too.
    • Games developed by indie/start-up companies rather than "big names" will also struggle to get the current required number of requests because fewer people are aware of its existence.
    • There are huge favouritism and bias towards Steam on WeMod. I'm not sure if WeMod is aware, but a large chunk of potentially-paying gamers actually seem to dislike Steam controlling their gaming lives. If you have a GOG, retail, etc version of the game, chances are you won't find a trainer for it on WeMod (but you will elsewhere). Players and potential customers are being discriminated against based on their version of the game. A successful game request should cover all versions, not just the Steam version.
    • In general, the total required requests needed for any game is too high. WeMod overrates itself, expecting thousands of gamers from all corners of the globe to come running to them. People want to play their game; they don't want to register, confirm, vote and then wait for a millennia for someone else to do the same.
    • Let's say a game got enough requests for a trainer to be released for it - hooray. But three days later the game gets an update rendering the trainer broken. You have to go through the whole circle of getting enough requests all over again for an update.

  • Not all communities last forever. Eventually, they will wind down and reduce to a virtual ghost town. Especially as competition sprouts up and as technology changes (and as people get frustratingly bored with waiting for enough people to request a trainer). This means the trainer authors who partnered with WeMod are back to square one. I hope they have something prepared to fall back onto when this inevitably happens in the future.

  • There's no guarantee that paying customers will get anything in return. If you decide to buy more of these coins to place requests, you still might not get those requests fulfilled. This, in a sense, is quite similar to "gamble crates" seen in some MMOs these days, where you pay a high price for a very, very small chance of getting something worthwhile in return. (Some game companies have been summoned to appear before a court of law for this). I get that there are costs to cover and staff to pay, but really? Gamble votes?

do see why MAF has made the decision to join the WeMod team. It's a means of income for him, the guy needs to survive somehow. People keep stealing his trainers and re-uploading them to their own website, which means they don't see MAF's donation links here. WeMod does make it harder for trainers to be stolen and re-uploaded. And that, I admit, is one good thing about WeMod, better protection against such a thing.

If i believed this would be bad for the users i wouldn't have agreed to it no matter what was offered ,I don't want to get into specific cases but i already rejected some offers which would have been lucrative for me but would change everything about the community without getting into specifics.

It's been said multiple times in this thread, but still deserves to be said again because it's the main reason for the criticism against WeMod. The request system on WeMod is ridiculous. For example:
  • Older games require the same amount of requests as newer games. WeMod fails to take into account that older games might not have as many players compared to newer ones (who are at least aware of or can be bothered to sign up for WeMod). Therefore it takes much longer to get the required amount of votes. The votes need to be more flexible and take into account the likely number of active players for that game - and then halved to account for the fact that most of them won't register for WeMod.
  • On the topic of existing games, chances are a trainer already exists elsewhere. This gives the player no incentive to register to vote for the game on WeMod, they'll just download a trainer that already exists. This makes successful voting take longer too.
  • Games developed by indie/start-up companies rather than "big names" will also struggle to get the current required number of requests because fewer people are aware of its existence.
  • There are huge favouritism and bias towards Steam on WeMod. I'm not sure if WeMod is aware, but a large chunk of potentially-paying gamers actually seem to dislike Steam controlling their gaming lives. If you have a GOG, retail, etc version of the game, chances are you won't find a trainer for it on WeMod (but you will elsewhere). Players and potential customers are being discriminated against based on their version of the game. A successful game request should cover all versions, not just the Steam version.
  • In general, the total required requests needed for any game is too high. WeMod overrates itself, expecting thousands of gamers from all corners of the globe to come running to them. People want to play their game; they don't want to register, confirm, vote and then wait for a millennia for someone else to do the same.
  • Let's say a game got enough requests for a trainer to be released for it - hooray. But three days later the game gets an update rendering the trainer broken. You have to go through the whole circle of getting enough requests all over again for an update.

  1. I have to point out that even if the game is older that doesn't change the fact that the developer have to spend an equal time working on it as he would on a newly released games,To be honest i would rather work on a newly released game than an older one because it would benefit more users and attract new visitors more than an older game so from my point of view new games should require less votes not the other way around, But i agree that older games should get some love as well .
  2. I think even though a trainer may exists there is an incentive to support a great project like this to have all your trainers in one library and you know for a fact there are no viruses or similar things you may get from getting a trainer from other sources.
  3. WeMod doesn't favor steam games but WeMod developers mainly use Steam as a source for games and because WeMod auto detects compatible versions ,Games have to be sorted based on platform , You can still manually add your game exe and use WeMod ,But there is work to do here for sure for trainers which work on multiple platforms but are only listed as available for a single platform .
  4. A new system is in the design stages right now and it should address many of the users concerns

Not all communities last forever. Eventually, they will wind down and reduce to a virtual ghost town. Especially as competition sprouts up and as technology changes (and as people get frustratingly bored with waiting for enough people to request a trainer). This means the trainer authors who partnered with WeMod are back to square one. I hope they have something prepared to fall back onto when this inevitably happens in the future.

I'm working on trainers all the time but its not showing because the main job right now is porting current trainers to WeMod , I have posted close to 60 trainers within the last few days ,in couple months once things settle down i promise you will be getting more from WeMod than you were getting from me alone .

There's no guarantee that paying customers will get anything in return. If you decide to buy more of these coins to place requests, you still might not get those requests fulfilled. This, in a sense, is quite similar to "gamble crates" seen in some MMOs these days, where you pay a high price for a very, very small chance of getting something worthwhile in return. (Some game companies have been summoned to appear before a court of law for this). I get that there are costs to cover and staff to pay, but really? Gamble votes?
There is no gamble votes ,But you have to understand there are limitations on certain games , Some game engines aren't trainers-friendly which makes providing a trainer for them very difficult like "Heroes of Hammerwatch" for example a trainer for this game isn't possible , It could be possible but it would require unrealistic amount of work and at the end it may have an issue like health cheat effecting the enemy ,Another example " Call Of Duty Black Ops 3" a trainer for this game is a guaranteed banned for the user .

Even though not every voted game is a guaranteed trainer ,The chances of that happening is probably less than 1% ,Also there is a points refund system if a trainer isn't possible ,The risk is 0 so its not anything like gambling .

I hope i explained my points well :).
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Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Lol please let me know what your smoking (maybe the same stuff Tim Sweeney aka Epic Games numbskull is) ...

Pro users (because they donate get preference) ... Been on MAF for 2 years (as a donor) and never needed any preferential treatment ..
Do you even know how CE (cheat engine works?) .. You make it sound as if it's rocket science ..
If you did not start it to make money, then why the need for subscriptions? Please spare me the "can't live life on TLC" ..
Please for f!@$'s sake how is WeMod helping MAF cut down the time? Are you'll getting him the games/ updates faster, having someone work on the trainers with him, doing his RL job so he can make trainers?

Annoying scripted replies makes you sound like a machine, atleast if you have no respect for your intelligence spare us the BS ..
I would definitely donate to MAF, but not some wannabe website .. Cheers MAF ..

I already mentioned this before , Making trainers isn't difficult for most games but it is very time consuming ,I mean imagine opening your steam and seeing 35 games updating and at least 20 of them need trainers updates ,This doesn't happen every day but still it happens ,With more trainers you create there is more work to be done on daily basis to keep them updated .

When i was getting started i was creating 4-5 new trainers a day and 2 updates , Now i have to do 10 updates and 1-2 new trainers .

The main thing that is cutting time for me with WeMod is the tools , Almost everything even thread creation is automated , I only have to write down the cheat codes then press a button and its done , Previously i have to create cheats then code them in c++ then create a thread and post it .

The c++ part is usually most of the work taking 30mins per trainers and some larger trainers with +20 cheats it would require over 2 hours of coding and testing to make sure everything is working fine , So imagine having to spend at least 30mins less on every trainers ,Not only does it make my mood better and stretch my day , It also encourages me to put more cheats in each trainer .

Take it easy and give us a chance ;)
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WeMod Community Manager
Staff member
Jul 20, 2019
Reaction score
Lol please let me know what your smoking (maybe the same stuff Tim Sweeney aka Epic Games numbskull is) ...

Pro users (because they donate get preference) ... Been on MAF for 2 years (as a donor) and never needed any preferential treatment ..
Do you even know how CE (cheat engine works?) .. You make it sound as if it's rocket science ..
If you did not start it to make money, then why the need for subscriptions? Please spare me the "can't live life on TLC" ..
Please for f!@$'s sake how is WeMod helping MAF cut down the time? Are you'll getting him the games/ updates faster, having someone work on the trainers with him, doing his RL job so he can make trainers?

Annoying scripted replies makes you sound like a machine, atleast if you have no respect for your intelligence spare us the BS ..
I would definitely donate to MAF, but not some wannabe website .. Cheers MAF ..
It isn't only creating trainers where MAF is saving time. We handle all of the backend for the main application, code injection, anti-cheat bypasses, forum threads, videos, support, etc.

Pro members get more say in what happens because they are the ones that keep the site going just like donors keep this site going and have a special request section. If we were in it just for the money wouldn't it make more sense to go with an all-paid model like CH or Mega?

All we ask is that you at least give this partnership a chance. We aren't here to screw you guys or MAF. We are truly hoping that we can create the best free trainer application possible.