And undetectable if it is possibleMr.Antifun can you plz make trainer 4 this game with these opinion or somethink like them :
Unlimided health
Unlimided items
Infimitive gold
Infinative skill points
And exp
i find it hard to understand that you'd love to support but having a hard time with the browser opening all the time when starting a trainer. the reason why MAF sets it that way is that whenever leechers takes the trainers from MAF's site and claim it as their own, the trainer command prompt will pop up and redirects them to the main source where the trainer was originally from.Mr. Antifun I'd love to support you and what you do, but having my web browser open everytime I start one of your trainers is kind of.... I just don't like it.
Is there any way around that?
i find it hard to understand that you'd love to support but having a hard time with the browser opening all the time when starting a trainer. the reason why MAF sets it that way is that whenever leechers takes the trainers from MAF's site and claim it as their own, the trainer command prompt will pop up and redirects them to the main source where the trainer was originally from.. we do apologize for this inconvenience but that's a measure of how MAF has taken to eliminate thiev.. i mean leechers.