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Apr 20, 2014
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Current Trainers:
7 Days to Die (Xbox) 8-17-24 Trainer +21
7 Days to Die (Xbox) 8-26-24 Trainer +21
7 Days to Die (Xbox) 10-3-24 Trainer +21
7 Days to Die (Steam) 9-9-47 Trainer +21
7 Days to Die (Steam) 3-31-49 Trainer +21
7 Days to Die (Steam) 1-8-64 Trainer +15
7 Days to Die (Steam) 7-6-64 Trainer +15
7 Days to Die (Steam) 3-5-72 Trainer +21
7 Days to Die (Steam) 1-25-77 Trainer +9
7 Days to Die (Steam) 5-5-84 Trainer +16
7 Days to Die (Steam) 12-16-84 Trainer +16
7 Days to Die (Steam) 12-29-85 Trainer +16
7 Days to Die (Steam) 9-26-90 Trainer +16
7 Days to Die (Steam) 4-2-95 Trainer +20
7 Days to Die (Steam) 4-5-98 Trainer +16
7 Days to Die (Steam) 12-5-00 Trainer +16
7 Days to Die (Steam) 8-27-01 Trainer +15
7 Days to Die (Steam) 6-13-05 Trainer +20
7 Days to Die (Steam) 7-14-05 Trainer +21

  1. Unlimited Health
  2. Unlimited Stamina
  3. Unlimited Food
  4. Unlimited Water
  5. Fly Mode
  6. Undetected by Zombies
  7. Easy Craft
  8. Instant Craft Time
  9. God Mode
  10. Super Speed
  11. Remove Negative Effects
  12. Unlimited Items
  13. Unlimited Durability
  14. Unlimited Skill Points
  15. Set Level
  16. Set Skill Points
  17. No Recoil
  18. Super Accuracy
  19. No Reload
  20. Day +1 Hour
  21. Day -1 Hour
EasyAntiCheat must be disabled before you can use the mods. Launch the game through **Steam** and select Show Game Launcher then uncheck "Use EasyAntiCheat". Select Run & Save as default so you do not have to do this again.


  • 7days.png
    112.5 KB · Views: 15,056
  • WeMod 7 Days to Die (Steam) Setup.exe
    141.3 KB · Views: 91
  • WeMod 7 Days to Die (Xbox) Setup.exe
    141.3 KB · Views: 37
Last edited:


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Current Known Items Ids :
4136 pistol
4137 mangum
4490 mangum ammo

I would appreciate it if people start submitting items id they found useful so we can share and make a list , Its very difficult for one person to go through 4000 items .


Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
4100 Barbed Club
4106 Stick
4116 Fire Axe
4117 Pickaxe
4118 Sledgehammer
4119 Shovel
4120 Gardening Hoe
4121 Torch
4122 Flashlight
4123 Flashlight Oil
4124 Sharp Stone
4125 Stone Axe
4127 Repair Tool
4128 Bone Shiv
4129 Large Bone
4131 Hunting Knife
4132 Candy Cane
4133 Holiday Shank
4134 Santas Moonshine
4136 Pistol
4137 Magnum
4140 Sawed off Shotgun
4141 SMG
4144 Shotgun Shell
4145 Sniper Rifle
4148 Chainsaw
4149 Auger
4156 M136 Rocket Launcher
4157 M136 Rocket
4196 Tungstun Ingot
4197 Copper Ingot
4198 Iron Ingot
4199 Lead Ingot
4200 Short iron Pipe
4201 Brass Ingot
Last edited:


Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
( 4202-4295 Nothing )

4296 Yucca Fruit
4297 Yucca Juice
4298 Plant Fibres
4299 Large Beef Ration
4300 Can of Cat Food
4301 Chicken Ration
4302 Can of Chili
4303 Can of Dog Food
4304 Can of Ham
4305 Lamb Ration
4306 Can of Miso
4307 Can of Pasta
4308 Can of Peas
4309 Can of Pears
4310 Can of Salmon
4311 Can of Soup
4312 Can of Stock
4313 Can of Tuna
4314 Bottled Water
4315 Empty Can
4318 Ear of Corn
4320 Paper
4321 Book
4322 Venison
4323 Glass Jar
4325 Corn Seed
4326 Potato
4327 Potato Seeds
4328 Blueberries
4329 Blueberry Seeds
4330 Blueberry Pie
4331 Corn Meal
4332 Corn Bread
4333 Baked Potatoe
4334 Venison Stew
4335 Clay Bowl
4336 Coal Torch
4337 Skinned Rabbit
4338 Bucket
4339 Bucket of Water
4340 Empty Mason Jar
4341 Bandages
4342 Aloe Cream
4343 Lump of Coal
4344 Lump of Clay
4345 Bottled Murky Water
4346 Gun Powder
4347 Cloth Fragment
4348 Potasium Nitrate Powder
4349 Rabbit on a Stick
4350 Rabbit Stew
4351 Hub Cap
4352 Car Air Filter
4353 Lump of Coal
4354 PainKillers
4355 Slab of Pork
4356 Chared Pork
4357 Small Stone
4358 Can of Gas
4360 Rabbit Kabob
4361 Pipe Bomb
4362 Crossbow
4363 Crossbow Bolt
4364 Jar of Honey
4365 Pump Shotgun
4366 Wooden Bow
4367 Feather
4368 Egg
4369 Arrow
4370 Huntin Rifle
4372 Buckshot
4373 SMG Barrel
4374 SMG Stock
4375 SMG Receiver
4376 Pistol Barrel
4377 Pistol Slide
4378 Pistol Receiver
4379 Shogun Barrel
4380 Shotgun Pump
4381 Shotgun Short Barrel
4382 Shotgun Short Stock
4383 Pump Shotgun Stock
4384 Shotgun Receiver
4385 Sniper Rifle Barrel
4386 Sniper Rifle Handguard
4387 Sniper Rifle Scope
4388 Sniper Rifle Stock
4389 Sniper Rifle Receiver
4390 Sniper Rifle Reciever Mold
4391 SMG Barrel Mold
4392 SMG Stock Mold
4393 SMG Reciever Mold
4396 Pistol Barrel Mold
4397 Pistol Slide Mold
4398 Pistol Receiver Mold
4399 Pump Shotgun Barrel Mold
4400 Pump Shotgun Short Barrel Mold
Last edited:


Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
4401 Pump Shotgun Receiver Mold
4402 Sniper Rifle Barrel Mold
4403 Sniper Rifle Handguard Mold
4404 Sniper Rifle Scope Mold
4405 Sniper Rifle Stock Mold
4406 Bandage
4409 Bullet Casing
4410 Bullet Casing Mold
4417 9mm Bullet
4418 10mm Bullet
4419 7.62mm Bullet
4422 Iron Ingot Mold
4423 Copper Ingot Mold
4424 Lead Ingot Mold
4425 Ingot Mold Tungsten
4426 Brass Ingot Mold
4429 Bullet Tip
4430 Scrap Tungsten
4431 Bullet Tip Mold
4432 Brass Door Knob
4433 Brass Candle Stick
4435 Brass Trophy
4436 Brass Car Radiator
4437 Lead Fishing Weight
4442 Brass Scrap
4443 Scrap Iron
4444 Scrap Lead
4445 Lead Trophy
4446 Tungsten Trophy
4447 Mining Helmet
4448 Charred Venison
4449 Grilled Venison
4450 Boiled Venison
4451 Boiled Pork
4452 Grilled Pork
4453 Charred Rabbit
4454 Grilled Rabbit
4455 Boiled Rabbit
4456 Chrushed Sand
4457 Cooking Grill
4458 Beaker
4459 Jar Mold
4460 Broken Glass
4461 Golden Rod Tea
4462 Glass Window Mold
4463 Hunting Rifle Barrel
4464 Hunting Rifle Barrel Mold
4465 Hunting Rifle Stock
4466 Hunting Rifle Bolt
4467 Hunting Rifle Bolt Mold
4468 Animal Hide
4469 Leather
4470 Leather Boots
4471 Leather Pants
4472 Leather Jacket
4473 Leather Hat
4474 Iron Boots
4475 Iron Leg Armor
4476 Iron Chest Armor
4477 Iron Helmet
4478 Leather Gloves
4479 Bandana
4480 Sunglasses
4481 Iron Gloves
4482 Boiled Egg
4483 Gas Mask
4484 Corn on the Cob
4485 Coffee
4486 Coffee Beans
4487 Cowboy Hat
4488 Baseball Cap
4489 Skull Cap
4490 44 Magnum Bullet
4491 Bacon and Eggs
4492 Lock Cylinder
4493 Key
4494 Antibiotics
4495 Moldy Bread
4496 44 Magnum Cylinder
4497 44 Magnum Frame
4498 44 Magnum Grip
4499 44 Magnum Parts
4500 Shades


Super Member
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
That's a lot of item. Thanks MrAntiFun


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Items by my friend evomod


Gear: Ausrüstung:
4447 Mining Helmet - Minenhelm
4470 Leather Boots - Lederstiefel
4471 Leather Pants - Lederhose
4472 Leather Jacket - Lederjacke
4473 Leather Hat - Lederhut
4474 Iron Boots - Eisenstiefel
4475 Iron Leg Armor - Eisenhose
4476 Iron Chest Armor - Eisenweste
4477 Iron Helmet - Eisenhelm
4478 Leather Gloves - Lederhandschuhe
4479 Bandana - Bandana
4480 Sunglasses - Sonnenbrille
4481 Iron Gloves - Eisenhandschuhe
4483 Gas Mask - Gasmaske
4487 Cowboy Hat - Cowboyhut
4488 Baseball Cap - Baseballkappe
4489 Skull Cap - Scheitelkappe

Weapon: Waffen:
4100 Barbed Club - Stacheldrahtknüppel
4106 Stick - Stock
4127 Repair Tool - Schraubenschlüssel
4128 Bone Shiv - Knochenmesser
4129 Large Bone - Großer Knochen
4131 Hunting Knife - Jagdmesser
4133 Holiday Shank - Zuckerstange
4136 Pistol - Pistole
4137 Magnum - .44 Magnum
4040 Sawed off Shotgun - Abgesägte Repetierschrotflinte
4141 SMG - Maschinenpistole
4144 Shotgun Shell - Schrotpatrone
4145 Sniper Rifle - Scharfschützengewehr
4156 M136 Rocket Launcher - Raketenwerfer
4357 Small Stone - Kleiner Stein
4361 Pipe Bomb - Rohrbombe
4362 Crossbow - Armbrust
4365 Pump Shotgun - Repetierschrotflinte
4366 Wooden Bow - Holzbogen
4370 Hunting Rifle - Jagdgewehr

Ammunition: Munition:
4157 M136 Rocket - Raketen
4363 Crossbow Bolt - Armbrustbolzen
4369 Arrow - Pfeil
4417 9mm Bullet - 9mm Patrone
4418 10mm Bullet - 10mm Patrone
4419 7.62mm Bullet - 7.62mm Patrone
4490 44 Magnum Bullet - .44 Magnum Patrone

Gun Part: Waffenteil:
4373 SMG Barrel - Maschinenpistolenlauf
4374 SMG Stock - Maschinenpistolenschaft
4375 SMG Receiver - Maschinenpistolengriffstück
4376 Pistol Barrel - Pistolenlauf
4377 Pistol Slide - Pistolenverschluss
4378 Pistol Receiver - Pistolengriffstück
4379 Shotgun Barrel - Schrotflintenlauf
4380 Shotgun Pump - Schrotflintenvorderschaft
4381 Shotgun Short Barrel - Kurzer Schrotflintenlauf
4382 Shotgun Short Stock - Kurzer Schrotflintenschaft
4383 Pump Shotgun Stock - Schrotflintenschaft
4384 Shotgun Receiver - Schrotflintenverschluss
4385 Sniper Rifle Barrel - Scharfschützengewehrlauf
4386 Sniper Rifle Handguard - Scharfschützengewehrhandschutz
4387 Sniper Rifle Scope - Scharfschützengewehrzielfernrohr
4388 Sniper Rifle Stock - Scharfschützengewehrschaft
4389 Sniper Rifle Receiver - Scharfschützengewehrgriffstück
4463 Hunting Rifle Barrel - Jagdgewehrlauf
4465 Hunting Rifle Stock - Jagdgewehrschaft
4466 Hunting Rifle Bolt - Jagdgewehrverschluss
4496 44 Magnum Cylinder - .44 Magnum Trommel
4497 44 Magnum Frame - .44 Magnum Rahmen
4498 44 Magnum Grip - .44 Magnum Griffstück
4499 44 Magnum Parts - .44 Magnum Teile

Ammo Part: Munitionsteil:
4346 Gun Powder - Schießpulver
4372 Buckshot - Bleikugeln
4409 Bullet Casing - Patronenhülse
4429 Bullet Tip - Patronengeschoss

Tool: Werkzeug:
4116 Fire Axe - Axt
4117 Pickaxe - Spitzhacke
4118 Sledgehammer - Vorschlaghammer
4119 Shovel - Schaufel
4120 Gardening Hoe - Hacke
4125 Stone Axe - Stein Axt
4148 Chainsaw - Kettensäge
4149 Auger - Bohrer
4338 Bucket - Eimer
4339 Bucket of Water - Eimer Wasser

Fuel: Treibstoff:
4358 Gas Can - Benzinkanister

Medical supplies: Medizinische Versorgung:
4341 Bandages - Bandage
4342 Aloe Cream - Aloe-Vera Gel
4354 PainKillers - Schmerzmittel
4406 Bandages - Bandage
4494 Antibiotics - Antibiotika

Multi-purpose Part: Mehrzweckteil:
4124 Sharp Stone - Scharfer Stein
4200 Short Iron Pipe - Kurzes Eisenrohr
4298 Plant Fibers - Pflanzenfaser
4320 Paper - Papier
4335 Clay Bowl - Lehmschüssel
4343 Lump of Coal - Kohleklumpen
4344 Lump of Clay - Lehmklumpen
4347 Cloth Fragment - Stück Stoff
4348 Potassium Nitrate Powder - Kaliumnitratpulver
4353 Lump of Coal - Kohleklumpen

Mold: Gussform:
4390 Sniper Rifle Reciever Mold - Scharfschützengewehrgriffstück-Gussform
4391 SMG Barrel Mold - Maschinenpistolenlauf-Gussform
4392 SMG Stock Mold - Maschinenpistolenschaft-Gussform
4393 SMG Reciever Mold - Maschinenpistolengriffstück-Gussform
4396 Pistol Barrel Mold - Pistolenlauf-Gussform
4397 Pistol Slide Mold - Pistolenverschluss-Gussform
4398 Pistol Receiver Mold - Pistolengriffstück-Gussform
4399 Pump Shotgun Barrel Mold - Schrotflintenlauf-Gussform
4400 Pump Shotgun Short Barrel Mold - Kurzer Schrotflintenlauf-Gussform
4401 Pump Shotgun Receiver Mold - Schrotflintenverschluss-Gussform
4402 Sniper Rifle Barrel Mold - Scharfschützengewehrlauf-Gussform
4403 Sniper Rifle Handguard Mold - Scharfschützengewehrhandschutz-Gussform
4404 Sniper Rifle Scope Mold - Scharfschützengewehrzielfernrohr-Gussform
4405 Sniper Rifle Stock Mold - Scharfschützengewehrschaft-Gussform
4410 Bullet Casing Mold - Patronenhülsen-Gussform
4422 Iron Ingot Mold - Eisenbarren-Gussform
4423 Copper Ingot Mold - Kupferbarren-Gussform
4424 Lead Ingot Mold - Bleibarren-Gussform
4425 Ingot Tungsten Mold - Wolframbarren-Gussform
4426 Brass Ingot Mold - Messingbarren-Gussform
4431 Bullet Tip Mold - Patronengeschoss-Gussform
4459 Jar Mold - Glas-Gussform
4462 Glass Pane Mold - Glasscheiben-Gussform
4464 Hunting Rifle Barrel Mold - Jagdgewehrlauf-Gussform
4467 Hunting Rifle Bolt Mold - Jagdgewehrverschluss-Gussform

Scrap: Schrott:
4132 Candy Cane - Bonbondose
4315 Empty Can - Leere Konserve
4323 Glass Jar - Glasflasche
4340 Empty Mason Jar - Leeres Einmachglas
4351 Hub Cap - Radkappe
4352 Car Air Filter - Luftfilter
4430 Scrap Tungsten - Wolframschrott
4432 Brass Door Knob - Messing Türknauf
4433 Brass Candle Stick - Messing Kerzenständer
4435 Brass Trophy - Messing Trophäe
4436 Brass Car Radiator - Messing Radiator
4437 Lead Fishing Weight - Angel Bleigewicht
4442 Brass Scrap - Messingschrott
4443 Scrap Iron - Eisenschrott
4444 Scrap Lead - Bleischrott
4445 Lead Trophy - Blei Trophäe
4446 Tungsten Trophy - Wolfram Trophäe
4456 Crushed Sand - Feiner Sand
4460 Broken Glass - Zerbrochenes Glas

Abandoned item: Zurückgelassener Gegenstand:
4321 Book - Buch

Food: Nahrung:
4134 Santas Moonshine - Zaubertrank (Alles +100%)
4296 Yucca Fruit - Yucca Frucht
4297 Yucca Juice - Yucca Saft
4299 Large Beef Ration - Große Rindfleisch Ration
4300 Can of Cat Food - Dose Katzenfutter
4301 Chicken Ration - Hühnchen Ration
4302 Can of Chili - Dose Chili
4303 Can of Dog Food - Dose Hundefutter
4304 Can of Ham - Dosenfleisch
4305 Lamb Ration - Lamm Ration
4306 Can of Miso - Dose Misosuppe
4307 Can of Pasta - Dose Nudeln
4308 Can of Peas - Dose Erbsen
4309 Can of Pears - Dose Birnen
4310 Can of Salmon - Dose Lachs
4311 Can of Soup - Dosensuppe
4312 Can of Stock - Dose Fond
4313 Can of Tuna - Dose Thunfisch
4314 Bottled Water - Wasserflasche
4318 Ear of Corn - Maiskolben
4322 Venison - Wildbret
4326 Potato - Kartoffel
4328 Blueberries - Blaubeeren
4330 Blueberry Pie - Blaubeerkuchen
4331 Corn Meal - Maismehl
4332 Corn Bread - Maisbrot
4333 Baked Potatoe - Gebackene Kartoffel
4334 Venison Stew - Wildbret Eintopf
4337 Skinned Rabbit - Kaninchenfleisch
4345 Bottled Murky Water - Flasche Trübes Wasser
4349 Rabbit on a Stick - Kaninchen am Spieß
4350 Rabbit Stew - Kanincheneintopf
4355 Slab of Pork - Schweinefleisch
4356 Charred Pork - Verkohltes Schweinefleisch
4360 Rabbit Kabob - Kaninchen Kebab
4364 Jar of Honey - Glas Honig
4368 Egg - Ei
4448 Charred Venison - Verkohltes Wildbret
4449 Grilled Venison - Gegrilltes Wildbret
4450 Boiled Venison - Gekochtes Wildbret
4451 Boiled Pork - Gekochtes Schweinefleisch
4452 Grilled Pork - Gegrilltes Schweinefleisch
4453 Charred Rabbit - Verkohltes Kaninchen
4454 Grilled Rabbit - Gegrilltes Kaninchen
4455 Boiled Rabbit - Gekochtes Kaninchen
4461 Goldenrod Tea - Goldrutentee
4482 Boiled Egg - Gekochtes Ei
4484 Corn on the Cob - Gekochter Maiskolben
4485 Coffee - Kaffee
4486 Coffee Beans - Kaffee Bohne
4491 Bacon and Eggs - Schinkenspeck mit Eiern
4495 Moldy Bread - Schimmeliges Brot

Seed: Samen:
4325 Corn Seed - Maissamen
4327 Potato Seeds - Kartoffelsamen
4329 Blueberry Seeds - Blaubeerensamen

Cooking: Kochen:
4457 Cooking Grill - Grillrost

Chemistry: Chemie:
4458 Beaker - Becherglas

Ingot: Barren:
4196 Tungstun Ingot - Wolframbarren
4197 Copper Ingot - Kupferbarren
4198 Iron Ingot - Eisenbarren
4199 Lead Ingot - Bleibarren
4201 Brass Ingot - Messingbarren

Lighting: Beleuchtung:
4121 Torch - Fackel
4122 Flashlight - Taschenlampe
4123 Flashlight Oil - Taschenlampen Öl (?)
4336 Coal Torch - Kohlefackel

Resource: Ressource:
4367 Feather - Feder
4468 Animal Hide - Tierhaut
4469 Leather - Leder

Various: Verschiedenes:
4492 Lock Cylinder - Schließzylinder
4493 Key - Schlüssel
4500 Shades - Schatten


King of the Dead
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
U can try all the numbers under 4000, there are construction material.

Example: 0001 -> Stone - Stein


King of the Dead
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
7DTD-ItemID List.rar


It is the hole (i hope so) List of the ItemID's ... From 1 to 5000!
It's ALL Handwritten, so mistakes can appear!

Last edited by a moderator:


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
7DTD-ItemID List.rar


It is the hole (i hope so) List of the ItemID's ... From 1 to 5000!
It's ALL Handwritten, so mistakes can appear!

Holyshit! , You did it by yourself? Very well done! , If you dont mind i uploaded the file as attachment and removed the outside link , You deserve the Title you got! .


King of the Dead
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
No, not all is from me, the Part @ 4000 is from "DiZtraction" (look up this side), the rest from myself ;) (just ~4hours of testing :D)

And now let's make a Mega-Trainer for the Game with some more Options (Godmod etc.)


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
No, not all is from me, the Part @ 4000 is from "DiZtraction" (look up this side), the rest from myself ;) (just ~4hours of testing :D)

And now let's make a Mega-Trainer for the Game with some more Options (Godmod etc.)

Well , The trainer is already kinda mega now , We have health , food , water , stamina , items editor and items quantity editor , What else you suggest to be added?.


King of the Dead
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, the Trainer is very good.
But two think's a litte bad..

The "Fx" Hotkeys not so god. For example, F4 is in the Game "Fullscreen" or "Windowed"
An if i set the ItemID, i should be able to use the "Enter" Hotkey to Add the Items.

The rest of the Trainer is awesom ;)


New Member
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Hey there!,

It seems really nice but cant activate it, the "" is properly added but simply does nothing after clicking the activation buton.
