Recent content by Arthur Hawker

  1. Arthur Hawker

    Stranded Deep Trainer

    Hmmm odd my computer is 64bit, so how do I make it run in 64bit and not 32bit? Edit - Nevermind figured it out, the desktop shortcut was running in 32bit so I deleted it and made a new shortcut with the right exe.
  2. Arthur Hawker

    Stranded Deep Trainer

    Only problem I'm currently receiving is that the Trainer won't work for me it says the games off when it's not and i even tried pressing f1, f2, f3 etc.... none worked but that might be because they updated the game after your released your trainer on the 27th?
  3. Arthur Hawker

    Assassin's Creed Unity Trainer

    All good it did crash out but before it crashed out I managed to get 9999999 money and creed points, I was just too lazy to open chests for money I will now go on with the game, thank you very much :D
  4. Arthur Hawker

    Assassin's Creed Unity Trainer

    Crashes for me to :p activated both in main menu then when i went in-game activated inf items and money and checked the items they weren't infinite it was still 5 for the darts and 2 for berserk etc... went to menu to check money and it crashed. There was 2 saves under profiles for some reason...