Recent content by avery.west

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    Divinity Original Sin 2 Trainer

    Will there be a trainer for full release?
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    Osiris New Dawn Trainer

    Same here for me bro. I tried everything
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    Osiris New Dawn Trainer

    Really appreciate the trainer, but infinite weight isn't working nor easy crafting
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    Battlefield 1 Trainer

    I hope this trainer isn't forgotten :(
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    Battlefield 1 Trainer

    also the super fire rate isn't working
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    Battlefield 1 Trainer

    Thank you so much for the updated trainer, but the super fire rate cheat is not working the rest is fine
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    Battlefield 1 Trainer

    Amazing trainer, but with the new update some of the cheats are not working
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    [REQ] No Man's Sky

    Do you think MAF would make a trainer for No Man's Sky? reading the forums and based off Sean's interviews, it's considered a single player game and if the trainer is made how will it affect other players?
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    Dark Souls 3 Trainer

    The cheats were working and it seem like stamina disabled itself
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    Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes Trainer

    Infinite ammo crashes the game when entering a locked building
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    Starpoint Gemini 2 Trainer

    Infinite Hull and energy is not working. The rest of the cheats is fine