Recent content by bangla

  1. B

    Monster Hunter World Trainer [UnSupported]

    So can Teostra and any of those "cutscene-esque" big attacks. Not much you can do about it other than get lucky with a slingshot interrupt or roll far enough to be out of the AOE. Feels kinda cheesy when you get stuck in a corner by the map. I don't understand the desire for 99999 items though...
  2. B

    Monster Hunter World Trainer [UnSupported]

    I think special arena/arena quests has a timer and shows up in records so a timing of 0.1 seconds for a kill would be highly suspicious, while they probably wouldnt ban, technically it affects multiplayer and speedrunners so probably just afk somewhere or gather some stuff for 5~10mins before 1...
  3. B

    Total War ROME II Trainer

    general age cheat is not working? had quite a surprise when my best general died of old age. luckily i had a backup save