Recent content by bigmac

  1. bigmac

    Pax Nova

    +1 plaese
  2. bigmac


  3. bigmac

    Starpoint Gemini 2 Trainer

    please update, with v 1.99. Free giveaway on steam made alot of people start playing this game again :) Thanks.
  4. bigmac

    TerraTech Trainer

    Freeze AI works for me, but money crashes game. Cheat engine is easy to find money though
  5. bigmac

    X Rebirth Trainer

    +1 for this under loved game to get an update from MAF.
  6. bigmac

    Toukiden 2 Trainer

    bump please
  7. bigmac

    Toukiden 2

    +1 for this please
  8. bigmac

    Toukiden 2 Trainer

    easy craft and easy craft on +B trainer dont work properly for me, only change the visual number to 999 but not the actual number: IE: cannot craft or upgrade mechanica with the cheat on. Rest of the trainer is awesome though, please continue the great work.
  9. bigmac

    Kenshi Trainer

    please update, i really would like to see a stats editor for this, really appreciate your hard work.
  10. bigmac

    TerraTech Trainer

    Please update, v 7.0 update breaks use of the old trainer.
  11. bigmac

    [REQ]Conception 2: Children of the Seven Stars
  12. bigmac

    Conception II Children of the Seven Stars Trainer

    thank you! Any chance of adding an EXP function?
  13. bigmac

    [REQ]Rage (New Version)

    +1 please