Recent content by Brus456

  1. Brus456

    Tropico 5 Trainer

    Please, make an updpate!
  2. Brus456

    Hard West Trainer

    @MrAntiFun, please, update this trainer.
  3. Brus456

    XCOM Enemy Within Trainer

    @MrAntiFun, "thank you! You are the best!" Is it really impossible to check your own trainer?
  4. Brus456

    XCOM Enemy Within Trainer

    @chris, @MrSkaizo, @Kalas - please!
  5. Brus456

    XCOM Enemy Within Trainer

    @MrAntiFun , could you please check your trainer? It seems to be unworkable. Please, update it. You know, XCOM 2 will come soon and many players will remind how to play by playing this game.
  6. Brus456

    Dragon Age Inquisition Trainer

    @MrAntiFun , will you update your trainer to 1.05 when the update release?
  7. Brus456

    Tropico 5 Trainer

    @MrSkaizo , @chris , please help! I found some of MrAntiFun trainers crushes every time when I try to activate them I read spoiler about problems with trainers, but it didn't help me Could you help me?
  8. Brus456

    This War Of Mine Trainer

    @MrAntiFun ,Can you help me? How to through stuff out?
  9. Brus456

    Warhammer 40k Dawn of War 2 Retribution Trainer

    @MrAntiFun , could you update to version?
  10. Brus456

    Shadowrun Returns Trainer

    @MrAntiFun , could you update to 1.7.0 of original or to 2.0.6 of Dragonfall, please? @MrSkaizo @chris, could you persuade him to do it, please?
  11. Brus456

    Total War ROME II Trainer

    @MrAntiFun, There is version of game build 13903.584483 Could you make a trainer for this verion?
  12. Brus456

    Total War ROME II Trainer

    @Kalas , I'm sorry, I mean new build. Does MrAntiFun contunie to up-date this trainer as new builds appear?
  13. Brus456

    Total War ROME II Trainer

    Could update your trainer? New version has arrived.