Recent content by CPotts

  1. CPotts

    Hatred Trainer

    Works perfectly. Thanks for getting it out so quick and working properly!
  2. CPotts

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer

    When it comes to shields like Havel's Greatshield the item id is "B0 D9 70 2". But the Lua Engine says it's an invalid integer. How exactly would I make it a valid id?
  3. CPotts

    Far Cry 4 Trainer

    Hmm well, I had an issue somewhat like this. When I unzipped it and put it into a folder, my antivirus freaked out. And then it just wouldn't open or do anything. All I had to do was go into my unzipping program and activate it there. I use 7-Zip. Click 7-Zip, go into the zipped file, and start...