Recent content by dhyde79

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    MotherGunShip Trainer

    *nudge* health's broken, everything else works outstandingly
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    [REQ] Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice trainer

    I'll agree with the others... I'd love to see a trainer for this, especially since it's on Humble Bundle Monthly for July....
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    Assassins's Creed Liberation Remastered Trainer

    so, this is for the liberation side of the game, is there one for the AC3 Remastered side too? (different executable so this trainer doesn't work on it)
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    Far Cry 5 Trainer

    does this work the same if the game is a uplay game instead of steam, or am I up the creek on that?
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    Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands Trainer

    so, the trainer's been working great, until now, and the damned thing won't matter what I bind it to, no matter how long after I launch the game and am in and running amok, nothing, no activating the trainer.... any ideas?
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    Steam key giveaway !!!

    if you've still got any available, I'd certainly take Fortix 2...looks like something my kiddo and I would have fun with....
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    [REQ] Okhlos

    this was in humblebundle monthly for feb'17, so, I'd bet there are at least a few more people playing this....a trainer might be nice....