Recent content by Fraggle80

  1. F

    Stardew Valley Trainer

    Weirdly, the freeze timer will work on Wemod, if you use the other trainer's freeze timer first, back out, then use MrAntiFun's.
  2. F

    Stardew Valley Trainer

    So far.... Freeze Timer and Unlimited Health are not working
  3. F

    Far Cry New Dawn Trainer

    Just keep completing expeditions...they aren't bad if you're using the trainer.
  4. F

    Just Cause 4 Trainer

    No, the game editor is if you were editing money or another value....
  5. F

    No Man's Sky Trainer

    All the cheats are working for me, with the Terrain Manipulator and Inf Ammo crash glitch. If you have Inf Material Packs, open and close Inventory and everything is topped off....Hyperdrive, Thrusters, grenades, etc.
  6. F

    Assassins Creed Origins Trainer

    Has anyone had the Inf Adrenaline work?
  7. F

    Dishonored Death of the Outsider Trainer

    Crashing with Undetected for me
  8. F

    Medieval Engineers

    I second this
  9. F

    Dead Rising 4 Trainer

    The Health still works for Frank Rising DLC, but nothing else like stamina.
  10. F

    Empyrion Galactic Survival Trainer

    You can make any stackable item go to 999 by activating the consumables cheat, then equiping the item to your toolbar and while having it "equipped", pressing 'z' to drop one. that's what I've been doing for any and all stackables.