Recent content by lilnickey2001

  1. lilnickey2001

    Cyberpunk 2077 Trainer

    I try to install the mrantifun trainer but it still only lets me use the Fling trainer. Do I need to re-install wemod to fix it?
  2. lilnickey2001

    Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition Trainer

    After using the unlimited medicine option the game will crash after a few uses of the medicine. Don't know if it was the trainer option or the game itself because I just had another crash unrelated to the health option in the trainer
  3. lilnickey2001

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trainer

    restart the game and trainer. you can't use the new trainer options if you already have them activated in your still running game.
  4. lilnickey2001

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trainer

    it's all good we understand haha. It's hard work making trainers for all the games that come out while also keeping up with updates for older trainers as well. We appreciate your work MrAntiFun.
  5. lilnickey2001

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trainer

    I believe it is the infinite health option that may be crashing the game. when I was fighting the jaguars at the beginning every time they would lunge at me with infinite health on the game would crash with no errors.