Recent content by N1-TrafalgarLaw

  1. N1-TrafalgarLaw

    Dark Souls 3 Trainer

    you need to use the trainer V1.03.1 :p
  2. N1-TrafalgarLaw

    Dark Souls 3 Trainer

    first open the game, wait untill you load/create a save, if you load a save, sit at a bonfire to alt-tab out of the game. open the trainer, you can use the hotkeys anywhere , yes there will be a notification for each cheats. feel free to ask more questions if you have any ;p
  3. N1-TrafalgarLaw

    Dark Souls 3 Trainer

    download the trainer V1.03.1 its working but some cheats still reset sometime.
  4. N1-TrafalgarLaw

    Dark Souls 3 Trainer

    download the trainer V1.03.1
  5. N1-TrafalgarLaw

    Lords Of The Fallen Trainer

    traine is working fine, only use health,stam and inf weight. but everytime i open a door or a loading screen the game crashed :/ can you fix it please.