Recent content by Shade_Seeker

  1. Shade_Seeker

    [REQ] Avorion

    if you had used the search bar of the forum you would have found out there was already a tread going for a request for avorion
  2. Shade_Seeker

    REQ war thunder

    unfortunately that won't happen, there is nothing to gain in the single player and campaign mode, those are purely for show and won't earn you anything, they removed that aspect from the game. might come back in the future, MIGHT... but no cheats will be made due to it is fully online only with...
  3. Shade_Seeker

    Unturned Trainer

    not in Singleplayer
  4. Shade_Seeker

    [REQ] Diluvion

  5. Shade_Seeker

    REQ war thunder

    Yeah.. i don't think that will happen. War thunder is a online PVP game like World of Tanks, tho it has Versus AI capabilities, it is still a MMO. and Mister Antifun doesn't support cheating in multiplayer..
  6. Shade_Seeker


    Warframe is a Online MMO, there is no offline mode, so it's safe to say no trainer or cheats will be made here..