Recent content by StarrDustt

  1. StarrDustt

    Middle Earth Shadow Of War Trainer

    so if I'm going back to ice region ( i need to find that region) I can use every option from trainer? I'll try that and I hope it works. i'll edit this post after I tested it but like I said before my problem is that it doesn't crash or anything else, it just doesn't work. only a few of them...
  2. StarrDustt

    Middle Earth Shadow Of War Trainer

    uhmm is it me only or in the new trainer v1.15 isn't working anything except inf Might and inf focus? I mean for me only those 2 things are working. I tried to start the game first time and after that the trainer and vice-versa but it doesn't work anything else beside that. I'm sorry Mrantifun...
  3. StarrDustt

    [REQ]Dead By Daylight Trainer

    Why are you guys asking for trainer at this game when you have a method which is much easier and also MrAntiFun doesn't make trainers for Multiplayer games or ONLINE. Please next time use your heads and search on that thing named "Google" and watch carefully if is online or Singleplayer.
  4. StarrDustt

    Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Trainer

    unfortunately for me doesn't work: --inf.Health --No Reload --inf.Ammo --inf.GMP --Mega Heroism --Inf.Horse Health I'm so sad that i can't use those options...