Recent content by Woohorses

  1. Woohorses

    Deep Rock Galactic Trainer

    Game is on sale and free for the weekend. Probably will be more people asking for an update.
  2. Woohorses

    Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair Trainer

    Needs an update, armor and jet pack don't work anymore.
  3. Woohorses

    Haydee Trainer

    It's a surprisingly fun puzzle platformer, metroidvania sort of game. With a moddable voluptuous character ;)
  4. Woohorses

    Haydee Trainer

    I found editing the stack of ammo to be easier. You still have to reload but its easier to manage.
  5. Woohorses

    Haydee Trainer

    Awesome trainer thanks maf! Any chance of getting an inf ammo cheat?
  6. Woohorses

    [REQ] Haydee

    This game is kicking my ass, really need it! +1
  7. Woohorses

    [REQ] Witcher 3 GOTY edition , v-1.31

    Yea I'd like this as well!
  8. Woohorses

    The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Trainer

    Would really like a trainer for 1.31 Witcher 3 GOTY, MAF . Thanks in advance!
  9. Woohorses

    Risk of Rain Trainer

    Still would like an update on this.
  10. Woohorses

    Dark Souls 2 Trainer Usage

    No, you'll only get banned if you get reported. And since you're playing offline that won't happen.
  11. Woohorses

    Bypassing xor encryptions Age of Mythology

    Sweet, I'm yet to come across xor encryption so far but when I do I'll be thanking you for this.
  12. Woohorses

    Dark Souls Stamina hack

    Basically I've been trying to make Dark Souls hacks through cheat engine and I'm having trouble finding the stamina address because its value is constantly changing. There's no way to pause and enter the value when its not full. So my question for all of you is: How would you go about isolating...