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  1. gaztop


    Are you calling me a moaner? Because if you are, I shall moan to the moaning section about anti moaning steps, that should be taken against people that moan about well meaning moaners that have moaned about the moaners, moaning.
  2. gaztop


    I've had a good look round. What I see, is a dedicated team of people, creating programmes, that take our gaming to a new level. Without the trainers, games become repetitive and sometimes, frustrating. And yet, there are people moaning and bitching about the FREE service they receive. I don't...
  3. gaztop

    Mini Metro Trainer

    I have tried all three on Win10. None of them work. Is there a way of activating the trainers in the game files? Cheers lads Gaztop
  4. gaztop

    What a diamond geezer.

    My son got me a copy of Transocean. I started to play, and got a bit pissed off. However. A mate of mine, stuck the trainer on my laptop. What a diamond geezer Mr Antifun is. Thank you, mate. You have made an old man, very happy. All the best Gaztop