That means that Option change two values, heroism and Evil ?
Just read the official guide and heroism and evil seems to be really 2 differents things.
Example Visit the animal plateform or extract with fulton a prisonner reduce the evil stat but dont increase the heroism.
Both stats have...
No i talk about the hidded stat that change appareance of big boss
When the stat raise a point blood appear everywhere on the suit and you can't wash it even with the shower on mother base, that stat change the size of the thing on BB's head too (the horn^^)
If you dont add new features after that release can you try to find the Evil value plz ;)
Don't want to get stuck in demon appareance every time i kill too many ennemys lool
And an option for inf battery on night vision and invisible camo would be great too ;)
sorry for double post the website dont allow me to edit the previous i made, dont know why ;(
There is another Stat like heroism but hidden (not shown in game menus) it's the Demon or Devil stat.
Few things can add or substract to the value and at a certain point that change the look of Big Boss
Exemple: every time you kill an ennemy that add 60 to the value and when you extract a...
There is another stat with heroism but that one isnt shown in the game menus, it's the "demon" stat.
That stat can change Big Boss appareance it would be great if we can edit it with the trainer like +/- 10000 for exemple.
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