Search results

  1. L

    They are Billions [Trainer Request]

    Cheathappen... really? You disgust me, sir! Plus, we should consider if we should be bothering MrAntiFun with this request, given that user parabola949 found a pretty neat workaround on plage 2. I mean, with no fog of war and at-will resources, you don't really need anything else. There is...
  2. L

    Hand of Fate 2

    MrAntiFun did it again:
  3. L

    Bounty Train Trainer

    You renamed your .exe wrong. Your file is now called "BountyTrainSteam.exe.exe". To fix this you have two options: 1-Name your folder "BountyTrainSteam.exe_Data" or 2-Raname your "BountyTrainSteam.exe" and delete the ".exe" your wrote.
  4. L

    Bounty Train Trainer

    No need to update, follow the next steps: I'm using the "Bounty Train V0.9670 Trainer +5" with the v.10201 GOG version. You only need to rename the .exe file from "BountyTrainGOG.exe" to "BountyTrainSteam.exe" And the "BountyTrainGOG_Data" folder to "BountyTrainSteam_Data" And it works...