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  1. S

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Alright gang, V1.0.0.328 works (all the features work just fine) BUT only in DirectX 11. If you loaded your game in DirectX 12 it will not work. You're welcome.
  2. S

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    As an aside Cheats happens has released 2 trainers for 332786. One with R&F and one without. I won't link them as you have to pay for a premium subscription to access the trainer, and then log into the trainer which will stop working if you cancel your subscription. Not someone I...
  3. S

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    I can confirm that version build 332786 is the latest version and build with Rise & Fall installed. If /u/paul200033 are reading version with build 337286 that may mean Rise & Fall isn't installed. If so that would account for why some cheats are working for you and not...
  4. S

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Civ 6 has been updated. The .167 trainer is no longer working. Can we please get an update? Thank you