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  1. curtisnewton

    Slime Rancher Trainer

    what's the ******* point of this ? if your server is down the trainer cannot be installed what the **** ?
  2. curtisnewton

    Star Wars Battlefront II 2017 Trainer

    jeee the hotkeys.txt makes no sense, and that gui...pfff dude take some UX courses
  3. curtisnewton

    Star Wars Battlefront II 2017 Trainer

    where do I check my game version ?
  4. curtisnewton

    The Sinking City 2019

    a shity game ? just stop snifing glue's way better than call of f@#king chtulu remake
  5. curtisnewton

    We Happy Few Trainer

    why is the F1 key used to activate the trainer while F1 is the key for the console and cant be changed ? what the actual **** ?
  6. curtisnewton

    We Happy Few Trainer

    they all contain viruses
  7. curtisnewton

    Supraland [REQ]

    yeah it's the best game I played for a long time... should be goty now I have 5 missing chests, I'd surely use a noclip trainer feature, other than that, people don't ruin the game, it's excellent
  8. curtisnewton

    Supraland [REQ]

    just finished the game, you dont need all these, besides all you requested is available in the game if a trainer would be usefull if for a "no clip feature"...just got stuck in some weird hidden place