same here Trainer doesnt work the last few days. Cant activate it in the first place only a beep sound is comming. Hope u find some time for this. I know ur busy and ur doing a really great job. Really worth Patreoing u. ^^
Update Requests have to be made in this: https://mrantifun.net/index.php?forums/trainers-updating-requests.22/
There is allready a Thread: https://mrantifun.net/index.php?threads/ark-survival-evolved-v288-114.18280/
Title: Dungeon Defenders
Trainer Name: Dungeon Defenders V8.4 Trainer +2
Platform: Steam
Version: V8.4
If possible a Feature for Infinite Crystal Life especialy Infinite Life for the "Parents Crystals" In the Eterniashard Campaigne would be great.
Not sure if additions for Trainers are also...
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