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  1. M

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey Trainer

    did that. Didnt freeze a thing, ergo, it's unfortunatly still not working, more so than pitty, especialy with those downright silly prices the new patch introduced, I mean...7K skins PER TIER?!
  2. M

    [REQ] XCOM 2

    I add my humble voice to the reqest oh wise and powerfull.
  3. M

    Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen Trainer

    Ok...could somone expain to me in idiot proof manner how to use the inventory editor?
  4. M

    Rebel Galaxy Trainer

    sorry by launch I mean activate, instead of trainer activated i hear a ding, and the trainer wont activate. I tried activating it from Main Menu, from Station Menu, from pause menu, in un-paused game, while crusing around nothing happens just ding. and the activation option wont light up...
  5. M

    Rebel Galaxy Trainer Using GOG version with the latest patch, the game is detected trailer wont launch.