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  1. alex_reptile

    Star Wars Battlefront II 2017 Trainer

    hello mrantifun, pls can u update the trainer? the GODMODE doesnt work, the AMMO/overheat works fine. thanks
  2. alex_reptile

    Battlefield 1 Trainer

    Nu, formatorul manipulează memoria calculatorului. de aceea programul vostru virus crede că este un virus, dar asta e greșit, un hacker de joc nu ar crea niciodată un virus, antrenorii sunt bine google translate, @xpc_alexx
  3. alex_reptile

    Battlefield 3 Trainer

    thanks :) maf
  4. alex_reptile

    Doom 3 BFG Trainer

    for doom1 cheat IDSPISPOPD -- is the noclip code, move throu walls. for doom2 use the cheat IDCLIP ? i remember?
  5. alex_reptile

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey Trainer

    trainer 1,13 works fine with the new update, i have this tested in this time, godmode etc. works fine... ( 27-02-2019) PLEASE BEFOR U SCREAM TO AN UPDATE FOR A TRAINER USE THE PREVIOUS TRAINER , in SOMETIMES is WORK FINE :) :) :) HAVE FUN , i HAVE :)
  6. alex_reptile

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey Trainer

    EXCEPT ; BUT , sorry for my english @MrAntiFun the trainer version 1,13 works fine (godmode F1, F9-F10 ship god/ ,, F6 and F12 (OHKILL) WORKS FINE WITH the version 1,14 :) everthing okay :) @mayhem2k18 please we wont to spare work @MrAntiFun
  7. alex_reptile

    Doom 3 BFG Trainer

    for doom1 and 2 use the cheats from id software, its easy :) just tap in iddqd - godmode idfa - ammo weapons idkfa - ammo weapons and KEYS ...
  8. alex_reptile

    Anno 1404 Trainer

    right click on exe for use as admin. open the exe as admin.
  9. alex_reptile

    Battlefield V Trainer

    use the new trainer, i think it works, see post below, my version 23824 works fine with the new trainer from Mrantifun( V23736 )
  10. alex_reptile

    Battlefield V Trainer

    thank you very much, the new trainer works fine with the version 23824 !!!
  11. alex_reptile

    Battlefield V Trainer

    new version 23824 , the trainer works fine (Battlefield V V23624 Trainer ) with this version, except the godmode doesnt work, the ammo keys (F2 + F3 ) works fine.
  12. alex_reptile

    Call of Duty WWII Trainer

    rename your exe. example: your s2_sp64 (original) to (example) ssss3sp64.exe and your cod_sp.exe to -> s2_sp64.exe , the trainer must think this is the original ? in other games has this "trick" workking. rename to the "original" exe which search the trainer for. you know what i mean? german?
  13. alex_reptile

    Anno 1404 Trainer

    thank you :)
  14. alex_reptile

    Battlefield 1 Trainer

    hello @MrAntiFun please can u update it, the another trainer doeanst work with the versions, sometimes other trainers in other games work with "false" version of trainers, but in this time will be not... when u have time please do to your to do list ;) thank u a lot.
  15. alex_reptile

    Battlefield 1 Trainer

    no, i have the same problem, i tested all of this trainers, i have also the version number 22956, but trainers doesnt work, sometimes you have trainers for wrong versions numbers are working, but not in this.. sorry for my english...
  16. alex_reptile

    Battlefield 1 Trainer

    hello mrantifun , please can u update the trainer, v22956 , the trainer doesnt work (2041) sometimes older trainer works for other games, but this will be not. when u have time please update :)
  17. alex_reptile

    Deadfall Adventures Trainer

    very good MAF, the 2017 trainer works fine for 2014 version :) thanks a lot :)