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  1. goodbyedost

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    hey guys for some reason i am unable to reply in private conversations..
  2. goodbyedost

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    i am getting messages to share the link , but i am unsure if its allowed to share link i don't want to get banned :S
  3. goodbyedost

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Yes no doubt mrantifun rocks but the trainer i found is plus 22 trainer and its working completly fine :D
  4. goodbyedost

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    I have already found a working trainer for latest version but don't want to ruin mrantifun hard working by sharing it here.....
  5. goodbyedost

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    MrAntifun, how long more it will take, can you give us a time frame?