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  1. grrigor

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Actually crucial information here is WHICH trainer you are using, as we can see - there are three with version. AV is not a problem here. It's trainer itself. There are three of them with such a size. Crucial info here is that the one with .19 may work, ,with .21 not. ZIP file with...
  2. grrigor

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Wrong version? What are you talking about? If people are telling you that something is not working and they do exactly as described, why do you think that they have wrong version? For your information I (and many more people here) tried as follows: Game version: Civ VI: Gathering Storm...
  3. grrigor

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Actually thats default location of game .exe file. We've tried that. Crashing.
  4. grrigor

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Hardly believe. 5 people reporting that it is not working and yours is working? Have objections, because game version and all files are the same. But... Who knows, maybe your files and trainer is other than ours :)
  5. grrigor

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Actually infite movement is crashing the trainer as well. As far as I tested, only fast building is working. Trainer in game folder, run as admin, Game in DX 11 mode.
  6. grrigor

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Trainer in game folder? Start after loading game?
  7. grrigor

    Sid Meier Civilization VI Trainer

    Crashing confirmed, just after choosing next turn. I think that sth need to be fixed.