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  1. H

    Hearts of Iron IV Trainer

    All good, I was more confused as if there was something I was missing haha
  2. H

    Hearts of Iron IV Trainer

    Steam version is 1.4.0, what are you on about? Specifically where did 1.4.1 - 1.4.3 go if you are correct?
  3. H

    Hearts of Iron IV Trainer

    It does actually work, it just doesn't display like it used to. It will still say your are producing say 64 per day but once the day ticks over, you will see the stockpile of the item tick over to a much larger number.
  4. H

    Hearts of Iron IV Trainer

    Instant War G Instant War Goal doesn't properly work for me, it instantly jumps world tension to 100% even if you are at 0%
  5. H

    Hearts of Iron IV Trainer

    Ive also noticed that if you use the Instant War Goal cheat, world tension immediately jumps up to 100% after the justification completes via the cheat.