Search results

  1. GodCraftMaster

    Assassins Creed 1

    I was very surprised (and disappointed) when I discovered that there was not already a trainer for this game. It would be very much appreciated :)
  2. GodCraftMaster

    Homefront The Revolution Trainer

    Super Stealth causes my game to crash within a few minutes of activating it.
  3. GodCraftMaster

    Assassins Creed Origins Trainer

    Needs options for infinite Cardon Crystal, Infinite resources, etc.
  4. GodCraftMaster

    Velvet Assassin

    we definitely need a trainer for this game please
  5. GodCraftMaster

    [REQ] Hard Reset: Extended Edition

    I also desperately want a trainer for this game. The game is fun to play but at times it is WAY TOO HARD i have rage quit countless times after simply dying hundreds of times and getting nowhere. A trainer for this game would make my day and i know there are many other people searching for one...