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  1. SirFartsalot

    Welcome From WeMod!

    Hello. Can anyone tell if there's a hidden crypto miner in the WeMod installer? I'm leary about installing the new launcher and want to be %100 it's safe and that there are no hidden programs (like crypto miners) are imbedded in the .exe. Thanks and thanks MAF for continuing to make gaming great...
  2. SirFartsalot


    +1 Trainer is not working. Trainer fails to activate in game
  3. SirFartsalot


    +Yes, please!
  4. SirFartsalot

    Outward Trainer

    Thank you. Now i can play this game without my character moving like he's 140 years old. :)
  5. SirFartsalot

    Outward Trainer

    +1. Really need unlimited weight and coin. Thanks for reading :)
  6. SirFartsalot

    They Are Billions Trainer

    Severe trojan virus detected in this trainer, Mr. Anti Fun. What gives? Don't tell people this is a "false positive" because it isn't. In this day and age of crypto-miners and other nefarious software, one cannot be so certain anymore. There are reports in other threads/trainers of trojans...
  7. SirFartsalot

    Elex Trainer

    Now that i have plenty of Elexit, i don't have to roam around stealing people's toilet paper. I can buy my own. Thank you.
  8. SirFartsalot

    Frostpunk Trainer

    Thank you! Now as mayor, i declare nobody freeze to death outside in their underwear. :)
  9. SirFartsalot

    Anno 2205 Trainer

    Tha Thank Ou %100 agree on the infinite money. Game is much too tedious without some kind of proper money injection. Doing ship combat missions or errand quests is a headache. Please, Mr.Antifun add this! This great game deserves it
  10. SirFartsalot

    The Surge Trainer

    Now i can be important instead of a pile of worthless scrap. Thank you :)
  11. SirFartsalot

    Dark Souls 3 Trainer

    Thank you! Yeah i noticed have to re-enable after a bonfire port. Works great. I lost my original save and this trainer helped me get back to where i was at, quickly.
  12. SirFartsalot

    Dark Souls 3 Trainer

    First post! Thank you. :) 17B Inf. Health, stamina, and FP does not work. Everything else does (F5-F8). There was an 800+mb update for base game on Steam about an hour ago