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  1. JustinKringstad

    Darksiders III

    i have the origin version of darksiders 3, do trainers work for both versions?
  2. JustinKringstad

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trainer

    thank you for making this
  3. JustinKringstad

    Assassins Creed Origins Trainer

    everything works but skills points on the 1.10 trainer
  4. JustinKringstad

    Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Trainer

    what version do i need to use with the game on the Uplay Client?
  5. JustinKringstad

    No Man's Sky Trainer

    thanks for this awesome trainer, works wonderfully, any chance you could add Salvaged Tech to the list: Inf Salvaged Tech
  6. JustinKringstad

    Everspace Trainer

    thanks this works well
  7. JustinKringstad

    Rebel Galaxy Trainer

    How do you get these to work on origin?
  8. JustinKringstad

    SimCity 5 Cities Of Tomorrow Offline Trainer

    does this work with multiplayer or no?