halo custom edition

  1. triplevolkie

    [REQ]Halo custom edition spv3 trainer please!

    So the original cheats with in game console makes the game crash while playing spv3 campaign, also the development trainer v2 doesn't work at all anymore. So please Mrantifun i know you can , make a trainer for this please... no one else will do it for us. you need hale combat evolved too...
  2. S

    [REQ] Halo Custom Edition SPV3

    Hi, it'll be awesome if you could make a trainer for the campaing of the new mod of halo custom edition (svp3) Thanks in advance, and forgive me if i had any errors englis is not my native lenguage. here the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/halospv3/comments/4pqwor/spv300_released_download_in_here/