so many AAA games come out now so i think we have to wait for this one
It is fall/pre-xmas season. Ppl like us buy/download/etc games. But remember, the companies are looking to sell AC:U or COD:AW PS4 and Xboner bundles to kids and teens
Thats why new Batman was pushed back to Jan or much competition...I have 2 console games (no trainers on console ofc) on the go, DA:I and I suppose FC4 on the go...and I still haven't finished Shadows of Mordor lolz
Thank god I am Plant Manager of my structural steel company and am personal friends with the owner. Basically, we are shipping everything we can before Dec 1st when the shipping companies all take sub contracts as SOOO many people do online shopping right.
Plus, no one really works in Dec and my main fitter/welders and machinists take their vacation's in December right. And the last 2 weeks of December, the General Labourers (full time, I pay them well) come in and clean the shop from top to bottom and do inventory.
So basically, unless there is a prob (have work cell with me at all times during the day), I don't have to go in and I get paid (and paid). If my wife and I weren't saving for a house and she wants a kid next year or the year after, Id donate to the site as its TOTALLY worth supporting MAF.
And the onsite guys, I hired an onsite supervisor to take care of that. Plus there are 2 supervisor's in the shop and my personal lead hand as I do all the prototype/custom projects (armoured cars, apcs etc).