Trainer Search


New Member
Feb 7, 2019
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Hello, I've recently gotten into the remastered edition and had hoped (perhaps foolishly) that one of my favourite HW2 trainers would've still worked to no avail.

That trainer allowed infinite RUs and instant construction/research (which inadvertently broke the unit caps, allowing huge fleets), but it also gave those same characteristics to the AI in skirmish mode. This allowed the AI the build infinitely expanding fleets at which I could throw my infinitely expanding fleets, providing wonderfully scenic and massive battles involving several hundred ships on either side.

So TL;DR: I would like a trainer that applies to both the player and the AI.

Thank you.

Also for those interested, the trainer I used back then was a Bie multi-trainer that had been packed by DEViOUS back in ~March of 2004.

Store Link: GOG Store

  • Unlimited RUs
  • Instant Building
  • Instant Research