Sorry to break it to you MAF, but they updated to version 1.0002 today. Was a small 10mb patch. Probably fixed some bugs/errors. Either way, whatever they changed was enough to throw things off in the trainer. That said, it's likely they'll throw out a few patches being new release and all, over the next few weeks. Such is the life of a new game.
As a side note; for all of you looking to utilize the INF Money cheat; go one step further an save yourself any and all trouble - Make a backup of your save game; an edit how many credits you can have. I put myself over 1 Billion credits; and it worked just fine. Still have to 'rank' up like the game is designed for in order to use the better ships - but that is all a part of the fun imo. While you're at it for editing your Money; you can also give yourself a ton of stats and perks; its all plain text editing on the save - Use Notepad/Notepad++ for clean editing - And as always ~ MAKE A BACKUP! Ya nubs.

Enjoy~ Peace out.
-- Serapheim