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  1. Gabriel Evans

    Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands Trainer

    goddamnit... i cant use this trainer anymore my game keeps closing i never had to shut off internet before this is way to much trouble to enjoy a game FOR **** SAKES UBISOFT YOU GUYS ARE PIECES OF SHITS FOR RUINING MY SECOND GAME! im getting a ******* refund thats what i am getting! im never...
  2. Gabriel Evans

    Dead Rising 4 Trainer

    hi mrantifun, thanks! the exo suit.. where you adjust the timer to infinite time.. for some reason ingame the suit itself still counts down to the point where it schould normally explode. however the timer does stop that from happening but the suit does start to play a beeping sound with the...
  3. Gabriel Evans

    The Walking Dead A New Frontier

    @Kalas this thread can be closed per solution provided above. perhaps can be posted in a sub forum for people to see that no trainer is needed?
  4. Gabriel Evans

    The Walking Dead A New Frontier

    *NO TRAINER COMMING* For infinite time.. there is the space bar for pc users. try it! press space asap the menu pops up and you have inf time <3 press again to play :P
  5. Gabriel Evans

    Dead Rising 4 Trainer

    hey @MrAntiFun can you please update trainer for steam users? everything works fine, except the stamina cheat in frank rising dlc. also is there a way to stop the suit from going into the bleeping red mode?
  6. Gabriel Evans

    Dead Rising 4 Trainer

    when i use the exo suit cheats it always stil lseems to count down and start to go into that anoying flashing red beeping anyone else experincing that?
  7. Gabriel Evans

    Cities Skylines Trainer

    @MrAntiFun sent u a pm for a request.. i cant seem to use the money cheat as when i dissable it it added too less only 7 mil, while it sets my city charges to 57 nearly 58 mil.. resulting in the little money to be gone before it reacches its normal setting again which is for me atm 333 thousand...
  8. Gabriel Evans

    Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition Trainer

    ? whats up? tagging without saying whats wrong aint gonna help bro.
  9. Gabriel Evans

    SimCity 5 Cities Of Tomorrow Offline Trainer

    always read instructions.. alltough many are the same... it sometimes happens to be diffrent like here! it could have saved you alot of waiting time smiles! :) have fun mate and remember! read instructions always.
  10. Gabriel Evans

    Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands Trainer

    Yep untill @MrAntiFun sees this and fixed it.
  11. Gabriel Evans

    Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition Trainer

    are you running it in admin mode? if not try to delete and redownload if that does not fix it make sure to write @ and then MrAntiFun without the then andd spaces so that he is tagged.
  12. Gabriel Evans

    Prey Mooncrash Trainer

    @MrAntiFun can you add infinite hack time please? its so annoying!!
  13. Gabriel Evans

    Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands Trainer

    coorrection: godmode activates but i still take damage.
  14. Gabriel Evans

    Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands Trainer

    @MrAntiFun confirmed, game updated 3,6gb Trainer seems to activate all functions, with the exception that so far god mode doesnt seem to work for me. no crashes so far to report.
  15. Gabriel Evans

    SimCity 5 Cities Of Tomorrow Offline Trainer

    you always need to follow the starting instructions. even in a build city you will have to build a small temp road and remove it again for trainer to work. hope this helps!
  16. Gabriel Evans

    Dead Rising 4 Trainer

    @MrAntiFun can you check trainer? seems like the option for super PP isnt working.. would like to level faster :) also possible to add a shelter level function?
  17. Gabriel Evans

    The Walking Dead A New Frontier

    @MrAntiFun +1 alltough.. i would only go for the timer freeze option by decission makings. CH already has one but im not a member there nor planning to xD
  18. Gabriel Evans

    SimCity 5 Cities Of Tomorrow Offline Trainer

    @MrAntiFun this trainer is outdated and needs an update.. atleast here nothing seems to work in offline mode origin version. Thanks a bunches!
  19. Gabriel Evans

    Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands Trainer

    please add inf resources.
  20. Gabriel Evans

    Dead Rising 4 Trainer

    wish i was able to afford this game :(