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    Niffelheim Trainer

    thank you :D
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    Request for Niffelheim trainer.

    i use win 10 and single player only.but anyway the trainer was working so might be something wrong in my pc or so :D!
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    Request for Niffelheim trainer.

    but the game lagg realy much when activate the dmg
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    Request for Niffelheim trainer.

    yes it worked fine with the 0 dmg but the dupplication was a bit hard but no virus or so all good :D
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    Request for Niffelheim trainer.

    oki will try i hope it's not a virus :P
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    Request for Niffelheim trainer.

    Thanks for the information man that helped me alot :D
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    Request for Niffelheim trainer.

    i'm here like every 2 hours looking if the trainer is here yet :') can't wait x) also tryed the cheat engine but didn't work on HP and gold =/
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    Request for Niffelheim trainer.

    yes yes yes waiting for it badly :D
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    [REQ] Fragmented

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    8 bit Armies Trainer

    thanks man :D can there be more cheats in it than infinite money? fast build or fast troops recruitment :D??
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    Orcs Must Die! Unchained

    Hi Mr.Antifun. Can you make a trainer for Orcs Must Die! Unchained. It's on Open Beta on Steam and it have a solo mode/ single player Kind Regard Aliih
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    Leap of Fate Trainer

    can you pleace add infinite mana as well :D
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    Leap of Fate Trainer

    thanks :D
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    Wolcen Lords of Mayhem Trainer

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    Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem

    Hi Mr Antifun and his Awesome team :D Is there eny chans to gett a trainar for this game: Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem It's in Alpha now and it's like diablo game but single not multiplayer. Best Regards Aliih
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    Exanima Trainer

    thank you so much man
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    Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen Trainer

    thanks alot man for the explaining.. but do you die when u meet a big boss?? i still die =/
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    Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen Trainer

    can we gett UNL money please =)
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    Dragon Fin Soup

    Hi MrAntiFun :D Can you pleace make a trainer for this game: Dragon Fin Soup